Re: XHR review extension

On Jun 3, 2008, at 7:12 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

> Hi, Anne-
> Anne van Kesteren wrote (on 6/3/08 9:44 AM):
>> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:33:34 +0200, Erik Dahlstrom <>  
>> wrote:
>>> The SVG WG would like to request a two week extension for  
>>> reviewing the XMLHttpRequest LC draft.
>>> Please let us know if that is acceptable,
>> I think I would rather just move on given how long the review  
>> period has been and how long we've been working on XMLHttpRequest  
>> Level 1, but that shouldn't preclude the SVG WG from providing  
>> feedback later on.
> Noted.  But this is not an editorial decision, it is a WG decision.
> I don't see the harm in extending the LC period for a week or two:  
> the test suite is not done; there is no urgent release cycle for  
> implementations coming up; and the plan is to simply park this in CR  
> until HTML5 is more mature.  So, I propose we honor this request.

Given the length of time this spec has been in development and under  
review, I do not see a pressing need to extend LC.


Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2008 20:19:32 UTC