Re: Dedicated Geolocation List and Channel

Hi, Maciej-

Maciej Stachowiak wrote (on 6/3/08 1:53 PM):
> At this point I am really confused about where to discuss geolocation 
> APIs, and I would rather not have it bounce back and forth. Maybe we 
> should just wait until the chartering process reaches its conclusion.

There's nothing to be confused about.  Regardless where the deliverable 
ends up, whether in the proposed Geolocation WG, or the WebApps WG, the 
*discussion list* will be the same:

I would strongly encourage folks to join and start discussions now, 
rather than waiting.  A chartering period, with the review from W3C 
Management and the Advisory Committee, takes at least 6 weeks, and that 
doesn't include the time have preliminary discussions about it and to 
write the charter.  Hixie indicated that Google did not want to wait 
even 2 weeks, and I agree that keeping momentum is a high priority. 
Naturally, if Apple wants to wait until the chartering period is over, 
that's your prerogative, but it doesn't seem like a good use of time and 

I sense that, for some reason, people are feeling territorial about this 
issue, and I'm not sure why.  Can you please articulate what your 
concerns about this happening in WebApps are, rather than in a dedicated WG?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2008 18:20:08 UTC