Re: Method overloading in IDL

Maciej Stachowiak:
> It's totally doable if you are willing to use IDL extended attributes  
> to mark up the quirks, Gecko has long done this and WebKit is now  
> using it for most interfaces as well. We're not using the W3C's IDL  
> files though, in either case.

My question then is: if (some of) these extended attributes were
specced, and then included in IDL published in DOM specs, would that be
helpful for you?

I just went through the IDL files in WebKit, wrote down what I found
and my best guesses at what they mean:

Some of them are WebKit-specific things, but others seem to be useful
for speccing.

Using extended attributes rather than messing with the IDL syntax to
make it (more) incompatible with OMG IDL works for me.

> And the standard W3C license for IDL files would likely make it  
> impossible to start with them. If we wanted to publish IDL that  
> implementors could use, we'd have to change the license.

I saw in the list archives that that was something Charles might look

Cameron McCormack,  ▪  ICQ 26955922  ▪  MSN

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 01:02:19 UTC