Re: Recent spec change to XMLHttpRequest default Content-Type

Carsten Orthbandt <> wrote:

> It's obviously no big deal to re-add [Content-Type headers]. The point is
> that all available material said that stripping Content-Type would be fine
> and in fact it was. Now it's not and I suspect that we are not the only
> ones to get bitten by it. A webapp that spews hundreds of red errors in
> Firefox is simply not an option.

My company's firewall blocks all incoming HTTP responses that do not contain
a valid Content-Type.  I suspect that we are not alone in doing this.

If you are selling such an application, would your customers find it
acceptable that people couldn't access it?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Received on Friday, 15 June 2007 17:35:29 UTC