Re: Bubbling Re: Progress event spec

Na , Charles McCathieNevile <> escreveu:

> On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:52:00 -0500, Joćo Eiras <>  
> wrote:
>> And a suggestion: in the spec I read "@@Issue: Does it bubble / is it 
>> cancelable? I am not sure why it would / be, myself."
>> It should only bubble and have as target the related document, or xhr 
>> object, just like the load event.
> Actually, that was the bit I forgot to say before. In fact, we decided  
> to make
> it cancelable, but not bubble, since you could capture it if you want and
> forcing it to bubble eats run-time resources...
> If you think we got it badly wrong, can you please give a more detailed
> explanation of why? The only rationale we were offered so far was that  
> since
> more or less everything bubbles, it would require special casing this in  
> an
> implementation to stop it bubbling which is a minor pain. Our call was  
> that the
> run-time cost was more serious.
> cheers
> Chaals

Sorry, I meant only to have a capturing phase, and not to bubble.

Received on Sunday, 28 January 2007 21:24:59 UTC