Re: Implementing HTMLDocument on all Documents (detailed review of the DOM)

2007/8/21, liorean <>:
> On 21/08/07, Simon Pieters <> wrote:
> > We'd rather have the members of HTMLDocument that are useful for all
> types
> > of documents to be moved to the Document interface. This would probably
> be:
> >
> >    * location
> >    * URL (also present in SVGDocument)
> >    * domain (also present in SVGDocument)
> >    * referrer (also present in SVGDocument)
> >    * cookie
> >    * lastModified
> >    * getElementsByClassName
> >    * innerHTML
> >    * activeElement
> >    * hasFocus
> >    * getSelection
> How about document.title?
> > Furthermore, it might make sense to move the following members from
> > HTMLElement to the Element interface:
> >
> >    * getElementsByClassName
> Does this make sense on Element? I mean, the class attribute and it's
> semantics are HTML/XHTML specific.

The same goes for innerHTML.
I agree there could be a generic property to access the markup directly, but
innerHTML's name is out of context.

> David "liorean" Andersson

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2007 15:23:57 UTC