Re: Is there some XUL project at W3C?

Dear Dennis,

The WAF working group has been taken a look at two declarative 
languages: XAL [1] (developed by NexaWeb in the context of an Apache 
Project) and the language developed under the MyMobileWeb project [2] 
(developed by Telefonica I+D and released as open source). The 
MyMobileWeb language is intended to the specification of the user 
interface of mobile applications and portals.

Both Nexaweb and Telefonica I+D are members of the WAF WG.

Best Regards


Arthur Barstow escribió:
> Hi Denis,
> As a few people have responded - the "project" to which you refer is a 
> deliverable of the Web Application Formats (WAF) WG:
>  <>
> Although the WAF WG has made good progress on several of its 
> deliverables, progress on the "Declarative Format for Applications 
> User Interfaces" (DFAUI) deliverable has been slow. I am hopeful the 
> WG will publish a First Public Working Draft of DFAUI Use Cases and 
> Requirements early next year.
> Regards,
> Art Barstow
> Chair of the WAF WG
> On Nov 13, 2006, at 9:09 AM, ext Denis Sureau wrote:
>> I have heard of a such project (XML-based language for graphical user
>> interface) in the interview of the webmaster of a XUL website. Where is
>> it?

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 07:33:12 UTC