Re: timeStamp and DOMTimeStamp

On Mar 27, 2006, at 22:35, Ian Hickson wrote:
> I propose we define DOMTimeStamp in ECMAScript as being a Number  
> giving
> the number of milliseconds, excluding those in leap seconds, since
> 1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z.

Apart from the fact that Safari uses this, do we have to stick to the  
Unix epoch? I know it's classic and all, but I wouldn't expect events  
to occur in the past, so that's 36 years' worth of milliseconds gone  
to waste (over 10^12). Would there be a big issue starting with, say,  
2000-01-01T00:00:00.0Z (or even 2006)?

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 28 March 2006 08:26:07 UTC