Re: DOM Views confusion

Ian Hickson:
> In typical desktop browsers, the defaultView attribute should point to an 
> object which is all of the following:
>    The ECMAScript global object
>    An object implementing Window
>    An object implementing AbstractView
>    An object implementing ViewCSS

If this is what is desired, perhaps Window (or some related spec) should
require this.

> See the WHATWG spec (and the WebAPI Window spec, probably). ViewCSS is one 
> of the interfaces implemented by Window.

Window doesn't seem to mention ViewCSS.

> You'll have to provide "language-specific casting methods" to get from the 
> Window object to the ViewCSS object. Conceptually, they're the same.

Ok, but at the moment I don't see anything that requires ViewCSS to be
implemented on the same object as Window.

> > Am I correct in surmising, then, that implementing Window and exposing 
> > computed styles are mutually exclusive, unless both views are 
> > implemented by the same (default) view, and code makes the assumption 
> > that it is that default view that implements ViewCSS?
> I'm not sure what you mean here.

Just that if you are not allowed to assume that Window and ViewCSS are
both implemented on the same object, the default view, then it's
impossible to implement both Window and ViewCSS usefully.

> In practice there is rarely more than one. Opera is the only browser I 
> know that actually supports multiple views, and it only has one View (you 
> can't get to the computed styles in its aural view; indeed I'm not sure 
> it even implements the concept of multiple media correctly).

Having only one view implemented is likely to be because there is no
proper way to get access to any other views...

 Cameron McCormack			ICQ: 26955922
 cam (at)			MSN: cam (at)			JBR: heycam (at)

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 06:08:52 UTC