Call for Java volunteers

Hi everyone,

I would like all Web API WG specs to be reasonably language- 
independent and have standard bindings for at least Java and  
ECMAScript. In order to achieve this for things like Window and  
XMLHttpRequest we will need some help:

We need spec reviewers who understand Java well:
     - The main sections of the spec need review to make sure they  
are implementable and sane in Java
     - The Java language bindings will need close review

We need Java programmers to write tests:
     - We need to make sure our test frameworks can support Java. The  
one I have so far is totally ECMAScript-centric.
     - We need individual test cases in Java.

We need implementors for Java-based implementations:
     - We need at least a bare bones test implementation to even be  
able to write Java tests.
     - We'll need two real interoperable implementations to exit CR  
with Java bindings defined.

I definitely don't have the expertise to do any of this for Window. I  
hope people can volunteer to help with these areas (whether they are  
on the working group or not).


Received on Monday, 20 March 2006 21:32:45 UTC