Re: ISSUE-40: DOM3EV: does dispatchEvent accept foreign Event objects?

Cameron McCormack wrote:
> Jonas Sicking:
>> I think we should allow this. I think we will otherwise end up in the 
>> same situation that we are in now with the WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERROR 
>> exception and moving nodes between documents. I.e. that the spec says 
>> that something isn't permitted, but implementations allow it anyway.
> How about event objects created by different DOMImplementations?  As a
> data point: Batik allows dispatching event objects from a different
> document but not from a different DOM implementation.

I would say that it would be good to say that it should work even across 
different DOMImplemenations.

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2006 00:39:54 UTC