Re: Safe copy and paste with scripts

ROBO Design wrote:
> This feature is already available in IE and Gecko. AFAIK Opera 9 is 
> also implementing something like that, because they added rich-text 
> editing support (contentEditable).
> A spec to standardize clipboard access would be needed, because 
> currently each browser has its own way.
Can you be more precise which spec you are mentionning ?

Before I started working on copy and paste of formulae for ActiveMath, 
the MSIE API seemed to be interesting... six months later... googling 
for the same just gives pages and pages of security warnings to please 
update your MSIE... before you actually get to the API documentation.
I don't think what they provide is reasonable or takeable and i believe 
this is because of the clipboard access without user-gestures.

I have never discovered one in Gecko... but maybe this is only granted 
to XUL apps, or at least trusted javascript ?


Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 21:19:19 UTC