Re: printing events and web applications

Dave Raggett wrote:
> Internet Explorer provides two events that are very useful
> for web applications involving dynamic html when it comes to
> printing. These are onbeforeprint and onafterprint.
> As an example, consider HTML Slidy
> Slidy uses CSS for layout and a linked script to present div elements as 
> slides, one slide at time. The other slides are
> hidden by setting the div element's display property to none and 
> visibility to hidden.
> This looks great for presentation purposes, but if the user tries
> to print the page then the browser will only print the currently
> visible slide. Most of the time, that isn't what people expect.
> Instead they want to have all of the slides printed.

This use case is more easily handled using a print stylesheet.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 00:25:48 UTC