Re: [REX] Repeated IDs in a REX message

Hi Cam,

On Feb 11, 2006, at 06:26, Cameron McCormack wrote:
> The REX message document then has an xml:id error.  I don't think  
> it is
> inconceivable that you would have multiple replacements of an element
> with an ID, especially if the events are being streamed over a period
> of time.

The notion of ID remapping has been brought up and so far discarded  
as we don't want to introduce too much complexity in the first pass.  
There are several things to note here:

  - the problem would normally only occur if the target language uses  
xml:id, since REX will not recognise arbitrary ID attributes in other  
namespaces (unless you put an internal subset for that purpose, but  
that would just be silly)
  - you can use multiple messages instead of one, redoing your example:

   <rex xmlns=""
     <event target="id('c')" name="DOMNodeRemoved">
       <svg:circle xml:id="c" cx="100" cy="200" r="5"/>
   <rex xmlns=""
     <event target="id('c')" name="DOMNodeRemoved">
       <svg:rect xml:id="c" x="95" y="195" width="10" height="10"/>

At some point we investigated a rex:xmlid that would be substituted  
at insertion time, but it did not strike us as immediately vital.

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Saturday, 11 February 2006 08:32:11 UTC