Process CG conversations about horizontal review

FYI, the W3C Process Community Group (CG) is discussing Process changes 
around horizontal review (HR), including:

-- automatic triggering events, like publishing a FPWD, and
-- making (asking for) review mandatory.

While this has some obvious charms, I have some concerns.

-- Automatic triggers won't indicate if a group has done the 
prerequisite work HR groups expect of them (in our case, going though 
the Questionnaire and fingerprinting guidance docs and writing Privacy 
and Security considerations sections in their docs).

-- They're nailing down too much in Process, which may make it harder 
for us to introduce improvements.

If you're interested, the Process CG discussion can be found in:

Additionally, the guidance we're publishing for how to ask for reviews 
is at:

-- Sam

[This note is being CC'ed to the Web Security IG.  While the WebSec IG 
is closed, its list is still active, and WGs are directed to request 
reviews on this list.  W3C Team (me!) is coordinating getting reviews 
from individual volunteer reviewers.  If you would like to join that 
pool and do the occasional doc review, drop me a note.]

Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 15:34:17 UTC