Re: RfC: wide review of WebDriver extensions for Sensor APIs

On 2019-10-14 12:46, Kostiainen, Anssi wrote:
> Hi Web Security,

> The Devices and Sensors Working Group requests wide review of the
> following specs. The only substantial change since the last CR is the
> the addition of WebDriver extensions. Please provide your feedback
> by 2019-11-14.
> WebDriver API and its extensions enable test automation and are not
> web-exposed in a normal browsing scenario. The extensions in scope of
> this review request are defined in the following Automation sections:
>     Generic Sensor API
>     Accelerometer
>     Gyroscope
>     Orientation Sensor
>     Security and Privacy Self-Review Questionnaire results:
> The group requests feedback via the respective specifications' GitHub
> repositories, or via email to
> The group is looking for confirmation that it has satisfied its relevant
> technical requirements and dependencies with other groups.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (Devices and Sensors WG co-chair)

Received on Monday, 14 October 2019 12:05:01 UTC