Request Security Review of Performance Timeline Level 2

Hi all,

The WebPerf folks are working on a new version of the Performance 
Timeline spec:

This specification provides methods to store and retrieve high 
resolution performance metric data, Navigation Timing, Resource Timing 
and User Timing are examples of APIs define performance metrics that 
describe the Performance Timeline of a web application.

This Performance Timeline Level 2 spec includes the following updates,

* extends the base definition of the Performance interface defined by 
High Resolution Time Level 2, Please refer to [HR-TIME-2] for Clock 
resolution privacy issue[1].

* Exposes PerformanceEntry, which hosts the performance data of various 
metrics, in Web Workers.

* Adds support for performance observers[2], which are used to observe 
the Performance Timeline to be notified of new performance metrics as 
they are recorded. To make sure the observer is exposing the minimum 
amount of information necessary, it only subscribe to event types that 
it is interested in, and disconnect the observer once it's no longer 

Please let us know if there is any security concern for Performance 
Timeline before the end of January, either by email 
<> or use GitHub issues 




Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 16:00:06 UTC