Tasks for the Web Security IG

Although this forum seems to have died, there are actually quite a bunch of
issues out there worth discussions, including a recent request from Tim B-L:

Plugins, Apps etc.
One topic is the deprecation of "plugins" which was an unilateral decision taken
by the browser-vendors without consulting the "market", W3C etc. The net
effect is that millions of people had to move from the Web to Apps.

Web Payments vs. SOP
Although the Web Payment WG haven't started yet, my contacts with developers
indicate that they envision a browser-based wallet-interface that will NOT adhere
to SOP.  This clashes with what for example the TAG folks consider as appropriate.

BTW, there are rumors about some kind of hardware security WG; is there any
information available about this?

-- Anders

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 05:44:34 UTC