Re: State of the WebCrypto API

On 11 October 2015 at 23:08, Tony Arcieri <> wrote:

> On Sunday, October 11, 2015, Jeffrey Walton <> wrote:
>> Telling folks to upgrade to Windows 8 or 10 is just bike shedding. Its
>> not a answer....
> Actually, I gave several options, all of which solve this problem:
> 1) Use this shim:
> 2) Use a more modern browser
> 3) Use a more modern OS
> This thread is silly FUD, and part of an ongoing series of silly FUD from
> Anders which is dominating the traffic here.
> I again second Harry Halpin's call for the chairs to step in here and do
> something about it.

I think that would be an over reaction.  Perhaps chat to the chair about

IMHO I've not seen anything that crosses the line, other than Harry's
disrespectful tone in a previous thread, as pointed out by Dave Longley and
others.  In that case I did make a complaint to the chair, and Im satisfied
it was handled appropriately.

Security is something that invokes strong feelings.  Let's try and calm
down a bit, not go over the top, and try and be respectful of other
people's points of view.

> --
> Tony Arcieri

Received on Sunday, 11 October 2015 21:33:39 UTC