I understand this is also touching SOP issue of Web.
who control the web? user? server?
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 6:26 PM, Jeffrey Walton <noloader@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> that means we don't need server assist to communicate between Web and
> App?
> >
> > I have no idea how all pieces fit together.
> >
> > I also don't know the process for introducing a custom wallet/payment
> > system.
> I would not expect one.
> There's a big battle going on behind the scenes. Its about who
> controls the payment information and the data. The data from all those
> transactions will be worth billions.
> Companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft want it, while other
> companies like mobile OEMs and carriers want it. The first casualty
> appeared to be Isis/Softcard.
> Jeff
Mountie Lee
Tel : +82 2 2140 2700
E-Mail : mountie@paygate.net