[W3C Web Security IG] Certifying web browser security

Dear all,

In case you missed it, NIAP issued a protection profile in March 2014 for Web Browsers.

"This document provides a baseline set of Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for a web browser client. It is intended to improve the security of browsers by encouraging the use of operating system security services and requiring the use of sandboxing technologies and environmental mitigations provided by the underlying platform. Additionally, these requirements define security functionality that browsers must provide. The requirements in this document apply to all web browsers that run on any operating system, regardless of the composition of the underlying platform."

See https://www.niap-ccevs.org/pp/PP_WEBBROWSER_v1.0/
There is no product validated yet, associated to this protection profile.

Virginie GALINDO
Co-chair of Web Security IG

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Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2014 13:11:46 UTC