Re: [Content Security Policy] Proposal to move the debate forward

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Michal Zalewski <> wrote:
>> 1) My site is entirely served over HTTPS, but my developers keep
>> including mixed content by mistake.  I wish I could set a policy for
>> my site that prevented me accidentally loading insecure content.
> I think it's more complicated than that; it may be unacceptable to
> include content simply from domains you don't control, or have no
> assurances about: if you are a bank, you do not want any image or
> stylesheet on your website to be replaced by "h4x0red by p1gZ" due to
> a developer mistake.
> I am not sure it's a problem that should be fixed on browser level;
> but in terms of complexity, browser is definitely one of the most
> attractive and reliable points (compared to, for example, server-side
> auditing). And if there is a consensus that it's worth doing (?), then
> doing it as a part of CSP probably makes more sense than devising a
> separate mechanism.

To re-state your use case:

2) My site has a policy that we can only include content from certain
trusted providers (e.g., our CDN, Amazon S3), but my developers keep
adding dependencies on sites I don't trust.  I wish I could set a
policy for my site that prevented me from accidentally loading
resources outside my whitelist.

BTW, I've stated a wiki page to record these use cases:

Please feel free to add more and/or make that page more beautiful.


Received on Thursday, 27 January 2011 22:07:14 UTC