- From: Devdatta Akhawe <dev.akhawe@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:18:55 -0800
- To: Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@coredump.cx>
- Cc: Brandon Sterne <bsterne@mozilla.com>, public-web-security@w3.org
> Or to put this differently, there is some risk that if you put browser> configuration settings in scope for CSP, you will end up with MSIE> zone model at some point ;-)> +1. Is this in scope for CSP? CSP is per-resouce, and this seems to be a per-site thing. Maybe another header (similar to how STS turns on a site-wide switch). =dev On 14 December 2011 14:15, Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@coredump.cx> wrote: > Or to put this differently, there is some risk that if you put browser > configuration settings in scope for CSP, you will end up with MSIE > zone model at some point ;-) >
Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 22:19:51 UTC