Re: Seamless iframes + CSS3 selectors = bad idea

@daniel, we are asuming the attacker can't inject JS.. so has no access to
the DOM.

On some browsers anyway, he could do <img src='

without closing the tag and fetch everything.. but maybe that's a new attack
and need a different thread as well.. hahaha


-- Eduardo

Sent from Hangzhou, 33, China

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Daniel Glazman <> wrote:

> Adam Barth wrote:
>  3. kill attribute selectors; will never happen, period.
>> Can you elaborate on this point?  Why is this off the table?
> Because millions of people use it? Because millions of web sites
> use it? Because the feature is absolutely needed by them and it's
> not the right thing to do?
>  I don't understand why that would help.  Wouldn't the attacker simply
>> load their stylesheet in a non-sandboxed mode?
> If the attacker has the ability to load in non-sandboxed mode, he/she
> has the ability to (a) create a <link> or <style> element and then CSS
> is the least problem since the attacker has access to the whole DOM
> (b) be a man-in-between and replace a linked stylesheet by his/her own;
> again, if he/she can do that, targetting JS is a much better option.
> </Daniel>

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2009 09:48:45 UTC