- From: Jim <jim@idexer.com>
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 00:48:16 -0700
- To: <public-web-plugins@w3.org>
I gotta laugh at this entire patent dispute, Microsoft, Doyle, USPTO, UC--everyone including all the other imaginable tech patent disputes floating out there. No one can make patent claims for most of all patents regarding computers or computer user interactive apllications. What we all have today and use was demostrated and beamed into ours homes every week to demsotrate right before our very own eyes on TV. It isn't Doyle or Acaicia and the rest of them patent holders--it all leads from one man named Gene. Everything that can be imgined today you can bet Gene already demostrated it to us every week on Star Trek. Wireless communications; remote wireless surveillance; computer voice interaction; hand-helds; removable storage; digital media transmission and display; digital media storage and playback on demand......and a bizarre and utterly alien concept for many at home watching: binary data transmission. Gene invalidates all these so-called controversial computer patents out there today and what is most disgusting about it is they give Gene ZERO credit for his prior art of demostrating it to tens of millions of people long before such claims ever reached the USPTO. Jim Smyser
Received on Thursday, 3 March 2005 07:48:23 UTC