Summary of 30 January 2004 HTML PAG teleconference


    Nine people attended the HTML Patent Advisory Group (PAG) [1]
    meeting on 30 January 2004. The group approved the minutes for the
    previous meeting and acknowledged Microsoft's announcement [2]
    that they are not shipping an Internet Explorer with modifications
    for the '906 patent.

    The PAG then discussed its future. Upcoming are Microsoft's
    appeal, and communication from the USPTO. The group felt these
    events could take more than a year, that the PAG has completed its
    work for now, and that its charter has expired. The group agreed
    that they have no further actions to take at this time. The Chair
    will circulate a final report to the PAG for approval. The PAG
    plans no future meetings, and per its charter, plans to dissolve
    following delivery of their report to the W3C Director.


Best wishes,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 15:58:50 UTC