Summary of 9 January 2004 HTML PAG teleconference


  Nine people attended the HTML Patent Advisory Group [1] (PAG)
  meeting on 9 January 2004. The group approved the minutes for the
  previous meeting and reviewed outstanding action items. Microsoft
  provided their Internet Explorer materials [2] to the PAG prior to
  the meeting. The group discussed a question about whether changes
  to the HTML specification are necessary and asked for
  clarification to be sent to the PAG mailing list. A representative
  for Microsoft reported that Microsoft expects a court ruling in
  about a week. Thus Microsoft has not yet announced if and when the
  changes for the '906 patent will be integrated into the official
  version of Internet Explorer. The Chair requested that PAG
  participants forward any news of this upcoming ruling to the PAG.
  In an informal poll, no PAG participants had heard from the US
  Patent and Trademark Office. The group agreed to meet next on
  23 January.


Best wishes,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 15 January 2004 20:16:12 UTC