Microsoft Patents Saving The Name Of A Game

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Microsoft Patents Saving The Name Of A Game
Contributed by Mike on Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 @ 01:49PM
from the yeah,-that's-non-obvious dept.

theodp writes "As if there weren't enough dodgy patents, here's an 
excerpt from one granted to Microsoft Tuesday for a Method and 
apparatus for displaying information regarding stored data in a 
gaming system: 'When saving a game, the saved game data may include 
a descriptive name of the saved game, a graphic representation of the 
state of the game when the game was saved, a description of the game 
state when the game was saved, and a date and time that the game was 
saved.'" I'm trying to figure out if there's more to this patent, but 
the more I read, the worse it seems. How is this possibly 

--> Link to Patent,716,102

--> Link to Patent File History (Shows Two Earlier Rejections),716,102 

Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2004 02:47:46 UTC