Re: What a prior art product must do

> Looking over just claim #1 of the '906 patent, here's my reading what a
> product must do as a minimum to be prior art for the '906 patent:
> 1.  There must be a browser application that runs on a client computer.

Define Browser.  Does this specifically target HTML based applications only?

> 2.  The browser must display documents which are supplied over
>     a network from a server computer.

File transfers protocols and ascii screen dumps have existed for day of of

> 3.  The browser must accept a command in a document to
>     display an embedded file which is also supplied by a server.

Display or execute?   If by display it means to "transfer" the file, then
thats been done for years.

> 4.  An external program residing on the client computer is automatically
>     loaded and executed to display the embedded file within a designated
>    area of the  browser window.

If this is just about the embedding of "binary images" within current
presentation, I can certainly entertain a unique technology.

By about ANSI ART Browsers or Non-windows based Thumbnail Browser programs?

For ANSI,  this will only WORK if the client machine supports a external
program (driver) running on the machine to intepret the ANSI code.  Not all
system can display ansi art without going thru the extra effort.

For a THUMBNAIL,  go to many BBS system that offer IMAGES for viewing.  if
you would like to VIEW them in a interactive client controlled process, you
need to download an external program.

Again,  I admit to some ignorance about the current patent laws regarding
software,  but the concepts have been around for a while.

The real question is whether  the patent is broad enough to cover MORE than
just a HTML-based BROWSER,

> 5.  The browser must allow a user to interact with the external
> application  which is displaying the external.

A thumbnail program just to name one.

Do you know a many PORN sites started with BBS packages before the Internet
came around?   We had PORN customers,  REAL ESTATE CUSTOMERS,  Print Shop
customers, medical imaging customer, etc,  well before the internet.

I am going to find it really ironic if Microsoft can read what I am saying,
even have someone contact me, so I can provide more information, and use the
"OLD BBS" technology as prior art.   The internet is changing every day
using incorporating techology that originating in the old BBS systems.
Microsoft has to GO there to find prior art.  They have my number below.


Hector Santos, CTO
Santronics Software, Inc.
305-431-2846 Cell
305-248-3204 Office

Received on Saturday, 30 August 2003 16:39:45 UTC