Re: Prior Art

From: "George Bray" >
>  From my own experience, Apple's HyperCard dates from 1987 and had
> XCMD/XFCN functionality that's exactly like today's browser plugins.
> It would be stretching definitions to describe HyperCard as an
> *online* system, but there were certainly similar online hypermedia
> systems of that era that had the claimed features. Intermedia from
> Brown university rings a bell.
> The place to start looking is the archives of the ACM Hypertext SIG.
Yes. The University of California, the owner of prior art Viola project
( )
has been satisfied by the jury verdict:

A Chicago jury has ordered software giant Microsoft (Quote, Company Info) to
pay $521 million to the University of California and Eolas Technology for
using patented technology in its flagship Internet Explorer browser.
( ).....

The W3C effort to protect Internet operability may be more fruitful if
University of California will be also invited to this debate, including
future of XHTML and HTML standards.

Best regards

Jacek Gancarson

Received on Saturday, 30 August 2003 06:05:57 UTC