Re: [public-web-plugins] <none>

Dag Wieers wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to put effort into getting rid of the craziness 
> we call "software patents" instead of finding a solution working around 
> something (web plugins) that's considered a basic idea based on common 
> sense ?

Many would like that, but it is well beyond the reach of the W3C to make such 
decisions. So in the meantime, finding solutions is likely the best way to go.

And hey, plugins are the Web's plague anyway. If they go away this will in fact 
be a very good thing to come out of the sorry state patent laws are in.

Mixed namespaces, XML Packaging, and a proper way to wrap it all together... 
hmmm, the Web at large might become an interesting place again :)

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 05:35:26 UTC