Re: [css-flexbox-1-tests] [css-flexbox] Add tests for intrinsic sizing behavior (#5281)

Originally posted as by @dholbert on 07 Mar 2016, 22:36 UTC:

> Review status: 0 of 4 files reviewed at latest revision, 3 unresolved discussions.
> ---
> _[css-flexbox-1/intrinsic-height-000-ref.html, line 3 [r1]]( ([raw file](
> This title is probably too vague; it doesn't really say what the test is testing.
> I think you mean to say, "Test that flex container's intrinsic size is influenced by its items' flex-grow values" or something like that?
> ---
> _[css-flexbox-1/intrinsic-height-000-ref.html, line 30 [r1]]( ([raw file](
> The phrase "next to" is wrong here, for the height-000 testcase & its reference (which use vertical flex containers whose items are stacked vertically).
> I think you mean to say "above" instead of "next to".
> ---
> _[css-flexbox-1/intrinsic-width-000.html, line 18 [r1]]( ([raw file](
> It seems here you're assuming that a flex item with "width: 200px; flex: 1 1 0" has a max-content contribution of 200px.  I don't think that's correct. The spec defines flex items' min-content and max-content contributions as being determined by their intrinsic sizes, flex-basis, and min/max-width|height properties, here: .  I don't think that spec-text has any way for "width" or "height" to influence the item's max-content contribution, in your example here (with flex-basis:0)...
> ---
> _Comments from the [review on](
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Received on Friday, 31 March 2017 12:55:28 UTC