Re: [css-sizing-3-tests] [css-sizing-3] Add tests for percentage resolution (#5280)

Originally posted as by @dholbert on 07 Mar 2016, 21:48 UTC:

> > This just tests that percentages don't resolve against min-content, which should be indefinite.
> Technically this test is only checking this when we resolve `max-height:min-content` -- but not when we resolve `min-height:min-content` (because we don't actually get clamped by the `min-height` in this example).
> Could you add another version of this testcase which has e.g. `height: 4px` instead of `height: 500px`, to be sure that this gets honored for both `min-height` and `max-height`?  The two testcases could be named -001a and -001b, for example, and they could share the same 001-ref file.

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Received on Friday, 31 March 2017 13:00:11 UTC