Re: [url-tests] URL: file URLs and path (back) slashes (#5195)

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# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 8095a5490999967ee9e12bb88ad5ace26e426c0d
Using browser at version BuildID 20170321110237; SourceStamp ca4ae502156eaea6fffb296bb9c3b3930af8ab58
Using browser at version BuildID 20170321110237; SourceStamp ca4ae502156eaea6fffb296bb9c3b3930af8ab58
Starting 10 test iterations
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>31 tests ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/inside-worker/dedicated-inheritance.html</a></summary>

|                                                      Subtest                                                       | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                                                                                    | ERROR   |                  |
| `Filesystem and blob.`                                                                                             | PASS    |                  |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in blob:`                                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in blob:`                                                                                         | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in blob:`                                                                                  | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in blob:`                                                                                        | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in blob:`                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27none%27)`                 | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27none%27)`                       | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27none%27)`                | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27none%27)`                      | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27none%27)` | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`                          | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20*)`                          | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:`                                                                                         | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`                                | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20*)`                                | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                                  | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`                         | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20*)`                         | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:`                                                                                        | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20*)`                               | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`                               | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20*)`          | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`          | PASS    | `{}`             |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/inside-worker/dedicated-script.html</a></summary>

|                                                 Subtest                                                  | Results |                                                                                         Messages                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                          | ERROR   |                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| `Filesystem and blob.`                                                                                   | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in blob:`                                                          | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `eval() blocked in blob:`                                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" threw object "Error: call to eval() blocked by CSP" ("Error") expected object "EvalError" ("EvalError")` |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in blob:`                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in http:`                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_throws: importScripts should throw NetworkError function "_ => importScripts("http://www.web-platform.test:8001/content-security-policy/support/var-a.js")" did not throw`      |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)` | FAIL    | `assert_throws: importScripts should throw NetworkError function "_ => importScripts("http://www.web-platform.test:8001/content-security-policy/support/var-a.js")" did not throw`      |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20*)`  | FAIL    | `assert_throws: importScripts should throw NetworkError function "_ => importScripts("http://www.web-platform.test:8001/content-security-policy/support/var-a.js")" did not throw`      |
| `eval() blocked in http:`                                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" did not throw`                                                                                           |
| `eval() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`                       | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" threw object "Error: call to eval() blocked by CSP" ("Error") expected object "EvalError" ("EvalError")` |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in http:`                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `eval() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20*)`                        | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" threw object "Error: call to eval() blocked by CSP" ("Error") expected object "EvalError" ("EvalError")` |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20*)`         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20*)`          | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/inside-worker/shared-inheritance.html</a></summary>

|                                                      Subtest                                                       | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                                                                                    | TIMEOUT |                  |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27self%27)`                 | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27self%27)`                       | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27self%27)`                | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27self%27)`                      | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,connect-src%20%27self%27)` | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27)`                 | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27)`                       | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27)`                | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27)`                      | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27)` | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin XHR in http:`                                                                                         | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                                  | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Cross-origin XHR in http:`                                                                                        | PASS    | `{}`             |
| `Same-origin => cross-origin 'fetch()' in http:`                                                                   | PASS    | `{}`             |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/inside-worker/shared-script.html</a></summary>

|                                                     Subtest                                                      | Results |                                                                                         Messages                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                                  | OK      |                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() not blocked in http:`                                                              | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `eval() not blocked in http:`                                                                                    | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `setTimeout([string]) not blocked in http:`                                                                      | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20%27self%27`  | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `eval() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20%27self%27`                        | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" threw object "Error: call to eval() blocked by CSP" ("Error") expected object "EvalError" ("EvalError")` |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,script-src%20%27self%27`          | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |
| `Cross-origin importScripts() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27` | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `eval() blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27`                       | FAIL    | `assert_throws: eval() should throw 'EvalError'. function "_ => eval("1 + 1")" threw object "Error: call to eval() blocked by CSP" ("Error") expected object "EvalError" ("EvalError")` |
| `setTimeout([string]) blocked in http:?pipe=sub|header(Content-Security-Policy,default-src%20%27self%27`         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1`                                                                                                                                                   |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/securitypolicyviolation/securitypolicyviolation-block-cross-origin-image-from-script.sub.html</a></summary>

|                       Subtest                        | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                      | TIMEOUT |                  |
| `Non-redirected cross-origin URLs are not stripped.` | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/securitypolicyviolation/securitypolicyviolation-block-cross-origin-image.sub.html</a></summary>

|                       Subtest                        | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                      | TIMEOUT |                  |
| `Non-redirected cross-origin URLs are not stripped.` | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/securitypolicyviolation/securitypolicyviolation-block-image-from-script.sub.html</a></summary>

|                       Subtest                        | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                      | TIMEOUT |                  |
| `Non-redirected cross-origin URLs are not stripped.` | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/securitypolicyviolation/securitypolicyviolation-block-image.sub.html</a></summary>

|                       Subtest                       | Results |     Messages     |
|                                                     | TIMEOUT |                  |
| `Non-redirected same-origin URLs are not stripped.` | TIMEOUT | `Test timed out` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/dedicated-child.sub.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by host-source expression.` | PASS    |          |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`                      | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/dedicated-fallback.sub.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results |                                        Messages                                       |
|                                                                   | OK      |                                                                                       |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by host-source expression.` | FAIL    | `assert_unreached: The 'error' event should not have fired. Reached unreachable code` |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`                      | FAIL    | `assert_unreached: The 'error' event should not have fired. Reached unreachable code` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/dedicated-list.sub.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by host-source expression.` | PASS    |          |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`                      | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/dedicated-none.sub.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results |                                            Messages                                            |
|                                                                   | OK      |                                                                                                |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker blocked by host-source expression.` | FAIL    | `assert_throws: function "function () {\n      var w = new Worker(url);\n    }" did not throw` |
| `blob: dedicated worker blocked by 'blob:'.`                      | FAIL    | `assert_throws: function "function () {\n      var w = new Worker(url);\n    }" did not throw` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/dedicated-self.sub.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by 'self'.` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/service-child.https.sub.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin service worker allowed by host-source expression.` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/service-fallback.https.sub.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                             | Results |                                                                                                                                              Messages                                                                                                                                              |
|                                                                 | OK      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `Same-origin service worker allowed by host-source expression.` | FAIL    | `promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "[Exception... "<no message>"  nsresult: "0x805e0006 (<unknown>)"  location: "JS frame :: https://web-platform.test:8443/content-security-policy/support/testharness-helper.js :: assert_service_worker_is_loaded/< :: line 73"  data: no]"` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/service-list.https.sub.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin service worker allowed by host-source expression.` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/service-none.https.sub.html</a></summary>

|                     Subtest                     | Results |                                   Messages                                   |
|                                                 | OK      |                                                                              |
| `Same-origin service worker blocked by 'none'.` | FAIL    | `assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/service-self.https.sub.html</a></summary>

|                     Subtest                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                 | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin service worker allowed by 'self'.` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/shared-child.sub.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by 'self'.` | PASS    |          |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`      | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/shared-fallback.sub.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results |                                        Messages                                       |
|                                                   | OK      |                                                                                       |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by 'self'.` | FAIL    | `assert_unreached: The 'error' event should not have fired. Reached unreachable code` |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`      | FAIL    | `assert_unreached: The 'error' event should not have fired. Reached unreachable code` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/shared-list.sub.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by 'self'.` | PASS    |          |
| `blob: dedicated worker allowed by 'blob:'.`      | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/shared-none.sub.html</a></summary>

|                    Subtest                     | Results |                                               Messages                                               |
|                                                | OK      |                                                                                                      |
| `Same-origin shared worker blocked by 'none'.` | FAIL    | `assert_throws: function "function () {\n      var w = new SharedWorker(url);\n    }" did not throw` |
| `blob: shared worker blocked by 'none'.`       | FAIL    | `assert_throws: function "function () {\n      var w = new SharedWorker(url);\n    }" did not throw` |

<summary><a href="">/content-security-policy/worker-src/shared-self.sub.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Same-origin dedicated worker allowed by 'self'.` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/url/a-element-origin-xhtml.xhtml</a></summary>

|                                                    Subtest                                                     | Results |                                   Messages                                   |
|                                                                                                                | OK      |                                                                              |
| `Loading data…`                                                                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://example\t.\norg> against <>`                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://user:pass@foo:21/bar;par?b#c> against <>`                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https://test:@test> against <about:blank>`                                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https://:@test> against <about:blank>`                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "https://test" but got ""`                   |
| `Parsing origin: <non-special://test:@test/x> against <about:blank>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <non-special://:@test/x> against <about:blank>`                                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\t   \n> against <>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <  > against <>`                                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <a:\t> against <>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:21/ b ? d # e > against <>`                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:/c> against <>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:0/c> against <>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:00000000000000/c> against <>`                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:00000000000000000000080/c> against <>`                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://f:\n/c> against <>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <  \t> against <>`                                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\> against <>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:> against <>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:a> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:/> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:\> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:#> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <#> against <>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <#/> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <#\> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <#;?> against <>`                                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <?> against <>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </> against <>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <:23> against <>`                                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </:23> against <>`                                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <::> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <::23> against <>`                                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo://> against <>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://a:b@c:29/d> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http::@c:29> against <>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://&a:foo(b]c@d:2/> against <>`                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://::@c@d:2> against <>`                                       | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "http://d:2" but got ""`                     |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\@> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:\\\> against <>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:\\a\b:c\\> against <>`                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo:/> against <>`                                                 | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo:/> against <>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo://///////> against <>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo://///////> against <>`                                 | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <foo:////://///> against <>`                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <c:/foo> against <>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <//foo/bar> against <>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://foo/path;a??e#f#g> against <>`                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://foo/abcd?efgh?ijkl> against <>`                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://foo/abcd#foo?bar> against <>`                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <[61:24:74]:98> against <>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:[61:27]/:foo> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://[2001::1]> against <>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://[::]> against <>`                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:]> against <>`                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://[2001::1]:80> against <>`                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:/> against <>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftp:/> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https:/> against <>`                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <madeupscheme:/> against <>`                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftps:/> against <>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <gopher:/> against <>`                                  | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "gopher://" but got "null"`       |
| `Parsing origin: <ws:/> against <>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss:/> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <data:/> against <>`                                    | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "null" but got ""`                           |
| `Parsing origin: <javascript:/> against <>`                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <mailto:/> against <>`                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                   | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "gopher://" but got "null"`       |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                     | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "null" but got ""`                           |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <>`                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </a/b/c> against <>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </a/ /c> against <>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </a%2fc> against <>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: </a/%2f/c> against <>`                                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <#β> against <>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <data:text/html,test#test> against <>`                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <tel:1234567890> against <>`                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <©zbar> against <about:blank>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\t‘%91> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\tbar> against <about:blank>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <\\foo\\bar> against <about:blank>`                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                          | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <你好你好> against <about:blank>`                                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <‥/foo> against <about:blank>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <‮/foo/‭/bar> against <about:blank>`                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: < »> against <about:blank>`                                 | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <data:test# »> against <about:blank>`                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "null" but got ""`                           |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://192.0x00A80001> against <about:blank>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://www/foo%2Ehtml> against <about:blank>`                                                | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://www/foo/%2E/html> against <about:blank>`                                              | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <> against <about:blank>`                               | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:\\\foo> against <about:blank>`                                            | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http://foo:81/> against <about:blank>`                                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <httpa://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https://foo:443/> against <about:blank>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                      | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftp://foo:21/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftp://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <gopher://foo:70/> against <about:blank>`                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "gopher://foo" but got "null"`               |
| `Parsing origin: <gopher://foo:443/> against <about:blank>`                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "gopher://foo:443" but got "null"`           |
| `Parsing origin: <ws://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ws://foo:81/> against <about:blank>`                                                         | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ws://foo:443/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ws://foo:815/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss://foo:80/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss://foo:81/> against <about:blank>`                                                        | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss://foo:443/> against <about:blank>`                                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss://foo:815/> against <about:blank>`                                                       | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <http:/> against <about:blank>`                                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftp:/> against <about:blank>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <https:/> against <about:blank>`                                                  | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <madeupscheme:/> against <about:blank>`                                           | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <ftps:/> against <about:blank>`                                                   | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <gopher:/> against <about:blank>`                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "gopher://" but got "null"`       |
| `Parsing origin: <ws:/> against <about:blank>`                                                     | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <wss:/> against <about:blank>`                                                    | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <data:/> against <about:blank>`                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_equals: origin expected "null" but got ""`                           |
| `Parsing origin: <javascript:/> against <about:blank>`                                             | PASS    |                                                                              |
| `Parsing origin: <mailto:/> against <about:blank>`                                       

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Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 12:15:04 UTC