Re: [webusb-tests] Add idlharness.js tests for WebUSB. (#5164)

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# Chrome (unstable channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 766af1aaa9223f32e83693f039006dcd476512a9
Using browser at version 58.0.3029.19 dev
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>1 test ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/webusb/idlharness.html</a></summary>

|                                                                       Subtest                                                                        | Results |                                                                          Messages                                                                          |
|                                                                                                                                                      | OK      |                                                                                                                                                            |
| `Navigator interface: attribute usb`                                                                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "usb" expected true got false`                                                                     |
| `Navigator must be primary interface of navigator`                                                                                                   | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                            |
| `Stringification of navigator`                                                                                                                       | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                            |
| `Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "usb" with the proper type (0)`                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_inherits: property "usb" not found in prototype chain`                                                                                             |
| `USB interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface object length`                                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface object name`                                                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: attribute onconnect`                                                                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: attribute ondisconnect`                                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: operation getDevices()`                                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB interface: operation requestDevice(USBDeviceRequestOptions)`                                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USB" expected property "USB" missing`                                                               |
| `USB must be primary interface of navigator.usb`                                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `Stringification of navigator.usb`                                                                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USB interface: navigator.usb must inherit property "onconnect" with the proper type (0)`                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USB interface: navigator.usb must inherit property "ondisconnect" with the proper type (1)`                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USB interface: navigator.usb must inherit property "getDevices" with the proper type (2)`                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USB interface: navigator.usb must inherit property "requestDevice" with the proper type (3)`                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USB interface: calling requestDevice(USBDeviceRequestOptions) on navigator.usb with too few arguments must throw TypeError`                         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: wrong typeof object expected "object" but got "undefined"`                                                                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface object length`                                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface object name`                                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBConnectionEvent interface: attribute device`                                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConnectionEvent" expected property "USBConnectionEvent" missing`                                 |
| `USBDevice interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface object length`                                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface object name`                                                                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute usbVersionMajor`                                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute usbVersionMinor`                                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute usbVersionSubminor`                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceClass`                                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceSubclass`                                                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceProtocol`                                                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute vendorId`                                                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute productId`                                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceVersionMajor`                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceVersionMinor`                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute deviceVersionSubminor`                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute manufacturerName`                                                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute productName`                                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute serialNumber`                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute configuration`                                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute configurations`                                                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: attribute opened`                                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation open()`                                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation close()`                                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation selectConfiguration(octet)`                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation claimInterface(octet)`                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation releaseInterface(octet)`                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation selectAlternateInterface(octet,octet)`                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation controlTransferIn(USBControlTransferParameters,unsigned short)`                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation controlTransferOut(USBControlTransferParameters,BufferSource)`                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation clearHalt(USBDirection,octet)`                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation transferIn(octet,unsigned long)`                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation transferOut(octet,BufferSource)`                                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation isochronousTransferIn(octet,[object Object])`                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation isochronousTransferOut(octet,BufferSource,[object Object])`                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBDevice interface: operation reset()`                                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBDevice" expected property "USBDevice" missing`                                                   |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface object length`                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface object name`                                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: attribute data`                                                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: attribute status`                                                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInTransferResult" expected property "USBInTransferResult" missing`                               |
| `USBInTransferResult must be primary interface of new USBInTransferResult("ok")`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBInTransferResult is not defined"`             |
| `Stringification of new USBInTransferResult("ok")`                                                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBInTransferResult is not defined"`             |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: new USBInTransferResult("ok") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)`                                 | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBInTransferResult is not defined"`             |
| `USBInTransferResult interface: new USBInTransferResult("ok") must inherit property "status" with the proper type (1)`                               | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBInTransferResult is not defined"`             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface object length`                                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface object name`                                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: attribute bytesWritten`                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: attribute status`                                                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBOutTransferResult" expected property "USBOutTransferResult" missing`                             |
| `USBOutTransferResult must be primary interface of new USBOutTransferResult("ok")`                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBOutTransferResult is not defined"`            |
| `Stringification of new USBOutTransferResult("ok")`                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBOutTransferResult is not defined"`            |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: new USBOutTransferResult("ok") must inherit property "bytesWritten" with the proper type (0)`                       | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBOutTransferResult is not defined"`            |
| `USBOutTransferResult interface: new USBOutTransferResult("ok") must inherit property "status" with the proper type (1)`                             | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBOutTransferResult is not defined"`            |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface object length`                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface object name`                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: attribute data`                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: attribute status`                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferPacket" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket must be primary interface of new USBIsochronousInTransferPacket("ok")`                                               | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferPacket is not defined"`  |
| `Stringification of new USBIsochronousInTransferPacket("ok")`                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferPacket is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: new USBIsochronousInTransferPacket("ok") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)`           | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferPacket is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferPacket interface: new USBIsochronousInTransferPacket("ok") must inherit property "status" with the proper type (1)`         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferPacket is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface object length`                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface object name`                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: attribute data`                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: attribute packets`                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousInTransferResult" missing`         |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult must be primary interface of new USBIsochronousInTransferResult([])`                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferResult is not defined"`  |
| `Stringification of new USBIsochronousInTransferResult([])`                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferResult is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: new USBIsochronousInTransferResult([]) must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0)`             | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferResult is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousInTransferResult interface: new USBIsochronousInTransferResult([]) must inherit property "packets" with the proper type (1)`          | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousInTransferResult is not defined"`  |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface object length`                                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface object name`                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: attribute bytesWritten`                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: attribute status`                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket must be primary interface of new USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket("ok")`                                             | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket is not defined"` |
| `Stringification of new USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket("ok")`                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket is not defined"` |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: new USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket("ok") must inherit property "bytesWritten" with the proper type (0)` | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket is not defined"` |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket interface: new USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket("ok") must inherit property "status" with the proper type (1)`       | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket is not defined"` |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface object length`                                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface object name`                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface: attribute packets`                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" expected property "USBIsochronousOutTransferResult" missing`       |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult must be primary interface of new USBIsochronousOutTransferResult([])`                                               | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferResult is not defined"` |
| `Stringification of new USBIsochronousOutTransferResult([])`                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferResult is not defined"` |
| `USBIsochronousOutTransferResult interface: new USBIsochronousOutTransferResult([]) must inherit property "packets" with the proper type (0)`        | FAIL    | `assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "ReferenceError: USBIsochronousOutTransferResult is not defined"` |
| `USBConfiguration interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface object length`                                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface object name`                                                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface: attribute configurationValue`                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface: attribute configurationName`                                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBConfiguration interface: attribute interfaces`                                                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBConfiguration" expected property "USBConfiguration" missing`                                     |
| `USBInterface interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface object length`                                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface object name`                                                                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: attribute interfaceNumber`                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: attribute alternate`                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: attribute alternates`                                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBInterface interface: attribute claimed`                                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBInterface" expected property "USBInterface" missing`                                             |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface object length`                                                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface object name`                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute alternateSetting`                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute interfaceClass`                                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute interfaceSubclass`                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute interfaceProtocol`                                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute interfaceName`                                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBAlternateInterface interface: attribute endpoints`                                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBAlternateInterface" expected property "USBAlternateInterface" missing`                           |
| `USBEndpoint interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface object length`                                                                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface object name`                                                                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: attribute endpointNumber`                                                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: attribute direction`                                                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: attribute type`                                                                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |
| `USBEndpoint interface: attribute packetSize`                                                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "USBEndpoint" expected property "USBEndpoint" missing`                                               |


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Received on Friday, 17 March 2017 06:18:10 UTC