Re: Add the background-fetch directory with an IDL Harness test (#5094)

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# Chrome (unstable channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 22ed4d486ba7c9b0c2c2e8486dfef4545f021205
Using browser at version 58.0.3029.6 dev
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>2 tests ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/background-fetch/interfaces-worker.https.html</a></summary>

|                                                          Subtest                                                           | Results |                                                                     Messages                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                            | OK      |                                                                                                                                                  |
| `Service Worker-scoped tests.`                                                                                             | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                  |
| `Exposed interfaces in a Service Worker.`                                                                                  | PASS    | `{}`                                                                                                                                             |
| `ServiceWorkerRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                        | FAIL    | `assert_false: expected false got true`                                                                                                          |
| `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onbackgroundfetched`                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "onbackgroundfetched" expected true got false`                                           |
| `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onbackgroundfetchfail`                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "onbackgroundfetchfail" expected true got false`                                         |
| `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onbackgroundfetchabort`                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "onbackgroundfetchabort" expected true got false`                                        |
| `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface: attribute onbackgroundfetchclick`                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "onbackgroundfetchclick" expected true got false`                                        |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface object length`                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface object name`                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation fetch(DOMString,[object Object],[object Object],BackgroundFetchOptions)`      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation get(DOMString)`                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation getTags()`                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface object length`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface object name`                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute tag`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute icons`                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute totalDownloadSize`                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute title`                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute fetches`                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: operation abort()`                                                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`     |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface object length`                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface object name`                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                 | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: attribute request`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`               |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface object length`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface object name`                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: attribute responseReady`                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface object length`                                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface object name`                                                                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface: attribute tag`                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEvent" missing`                   |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface object length`                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface object name`                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: attribute completeFetches`                                                             | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: operation updateUI(DOMString)`                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchEndEvent" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface object length`                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface object name`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface: attribute response`                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchSettledFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface object length`                                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface object name`                                                                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                               | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface: attribute failedFetches`                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchFailEvent" missing`           |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface object length`                                                                        | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface object name`                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface: attribute state`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" expected property "BackgroundFetchClickEvent" missing`         |

<summary><a href="">/background-fetch/interfaces.html</a></summary>

|                                                          Subtest                                                          | Results |                                                                    Messages                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                           | OK      |                                                                                                                                                |
| `Exposed interfaces in a Document.`                                                                                       | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `ServiceWorkerRegistration interface: attribute backgroundFetch`                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "backgroundFetch" expected true got false`                                             |
| `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                        | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface object length`                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface object name`                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation fetch(DOMString,[object Object],[object Object],BackgroundFetchOptions)`     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation get(DOMString)`                                                              | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchManager interface: operation getTags()`                                                                   | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchManager" expected property "BackgroundFetchManager" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface object length`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface object name`                                                                       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                           | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute tag`                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute icons`                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute totalDownloadSize`                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute title`                                                                  | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: attribute fetches`                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchRegistration interface: operation abort()`                                                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" expected property "BackgroundFetchRegistration" missing`   |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface object length`                                                                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface object name`                                                                            | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                                | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property`       | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchFetches interface: attribute request`                                                                     | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchFetches" missing`             |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface object length`                                                                    | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface object name`                                                                      | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object`                          | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property` | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchActiveFetches interface: attribute responseReady`                                                         | FAIL    | `assert_own_property: self does not have own property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" expected property "BackgroundFetchActiveFetches" missing` |
| `BackgroundFetchEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                            | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `BackgroundFetchEndEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                         | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `BackgroundFetchSettledFetches interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                   | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `BackgroundFetchFailEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                        | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |
| `BackgroundFetchClickEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object`                                       | PASS    |                                                                                                                                                |


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Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 17:49:44 UTC