Re: [fetch-tests] Correct Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] test (#4524)

# Firefox #
Testing revision 1d212a7bef7e823551932fb6e53accec562dfe45
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##


<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.html</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                           | Results |
|                                                             | OK      |
| `Create headers with existing headers with custom iterator` | FAIL    |
| `Create headers with existing headers`                      | PASS    |
| `Check get method`                                          | PASS    |
| `Create headers from no parameter`                          | PASS    |
| `Create headers from empty object`                          | PASS    |
| `Create headers with record`                                | PASS    |
| `Check forEach method`                                      | FAIL    |
| `Check has method`                                          | PASS    |
| `Check values method`                                       | FAIL    |
| `Check append method`                                       | PASS    |
| `Create headers with 1 should throw`                        | PASS    |
| `Check set method`                                          | PASS    |
| `Check Symbol.iterator method`                              | FAIL    |
| `Check entries method`                                      | FAIL    |
| `Create headers from undefined parameter`                   | PASS    |
| `Check delete method`                                       | PASS    |
| `Create headers with null should throw`                     | PASS    |
| `Check keys method`                                         | FAIL    |
| `Create headers with sequence`                              | PASS    |


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Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 14:51:52 UTC