Re: [url-tests] Add blob URLs into urltestdata.json (#4941)

I think what we're seeing here is confusion from implementers as to what the origin of completely-synthetic blob URLs should be. I.e., if I do `new URL("blob:")`, or set `a.href = "blob:"`, what should the `.origin` property return? Similarly for if I do `blob:d3958f5c-0777-0845-9dcf-2cb28783acaf` (where that is just created out of thin air, not via URL.createObjectURL) or `blob:asdf`.

I'm not sure what the desired answer to that is according to I guess that is what the comments from onward say. If we really don't know the answer, I think a better approach here would be to remove the `origin` field from this PR and put a big red warning in the URL spec while we figure this out.

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Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2017 19:12:17 UTC