Re: [web-animations-tests] Upstream effect-of-keyframeeffect-on-getComputedTiming.html from Blink (#3339)

# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 385ad21f79d30430e53f24ca02a31bf7b618ff34
Using browser at version BuildID 20170123125947; SourceStamp 36486fdc3813ef7943ae5b07b4128866d1938a6c
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>3 tests ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/iterationStart.html</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                         | Results |
|                                                                                         | OK      |
| `Test that changing the iterationStart affects computed timing when forwards-filling`   | PASS    |
| `Test that changing the iterationStart affects computed timing when backwards-filling`  | PASS    |
| `Using invalid values should throw TypeError`                                           | PASS    |
| `Test that changing the iterationStart affects computed timing during the active phase` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/delay.html</a></summary>

|                                              Subtest                                              | Results |
|                                                                                                   | OK      |
| `set delay 100`                                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Test seeking an animation by setting a negative delay`                                           | PASS    |
| `Test finishing an animation using a large negative delay`                                        | PASS    |
| `set delay -100`                                                                                  | PASS    |
| `Setting invalid values should throw TypeError`                                                   | PASS    |
| `Test adding a positive delay to an animation without a backwards fill makes it no longer active` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/web-animations/timing-model/animation-effects/local-time.html</a></summary>

|                                      Subtest                                      | Results |
|                                                                                   | OK      |
| `Local time is current time for animation effects associated with an animation`   | PASS    |
| `Local time is unresolved for animation effects not associated with an animation` | PASS    |


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Received on Friday, 17 February 2017 05:18:32 UTC