Re: [infra-tests] Wrap all test results in a <details> in stability checker (#4820)

# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision b89267a5143b31afba9821191300f5043748dd79
Using browser at version BuildID 20170123125947; SourceStamp 36486fdc3813ef7943ae5b07b4128866d1938a6c
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>43 tests ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.canvas.timing.html</a></summary>

|                                              Subtest                                              | Results |
|                                                                                                   | OK      |
| `Pattern safety depends on whether the source was origin-clean, not on whether it still is clean` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-force-cache.html</a></summary>

|                                                                                 Subtest                                                                                 | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                                         | OK      |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with date and stale response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for fresh responses with Etag and fresh response`                | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with date and fresh response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Etag and stale response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Etag and stale response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Etag and fresh response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for fresh responses with date and fresh response`                | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with date and fresh response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with date and stale response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for stale responses with date and stale response`                | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Etag and fresh response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for stale responses with Etag and stale response`                | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with date and stale response` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/origin/cross-origin-objects/cross-origin-objects.html</a></summary>

|                                                       Subtest                                                       | Results |
|                                                                                                                     | OK      |
| `{} does the right thing on cross-origin objects`                                                   | PASS    |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Window`                                             | PASS    |
| `[[PreventExtensions]] should throw for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                      | PASS    |
| `[[IsExtensible]] should return true for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                     | PASS    |
| `[[Enumerate]] should return an empty iterator (exception type)`                                                    | PASS    |
| `[[Delete]] Should throw on cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                                  | FAIL    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return all properties from cross-origin objects`                                        | PASS    |
| `[[GetPrototypeOf]] should return null`                                                                             | PASS    |
| `Only whitelisted properties are accessible cross-origin (exception type)`                                          | FAIL    |
| `[[DefineOwnProperty]] Should throw for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                      | FAIL    |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Location (exception type)`                          | PASS    |
| `[[GetPrototypeOf]] should return null (exception type)`                                                            | FAIL    |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Property descriptors for cross-origin properties should be set up correctly (exception type)` | PASS    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return all properties from cross-origin objects (exception type)`                       | PASS    |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Property descriptors for cross-origin properties should be set up correctly`                  | PASS    |
| `Same-origin observers get different functions for cross-origin objects (exception type)`                           | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin Window accessors get local Function.prototype`                                                        | PASS    |
| `Same-origin observers get different functions for cross-origin objects`                                            | PASS    |
| `A and B jointly observe the same identity for cross-origin Window and Location`                                    | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin Window accessors get local Function.prototype (exception type)`                                       | PASS    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should place the symbols after the property names after the subframe indices`                  | PASS    |
| `A and B jointly observe the same identity for cross-origin Window and Location (exception type)`                   | PASS    |
| `[[IsExtensible]] should return true for cross-origin objects`                                                      | PASS    |
| `Basic sanity-checking (exception type)`                                                                            | FAIL    |
| `Only whitelisted properties are accessible cross-origin`                                                           | PASS    |
| `[[Enumerate]] should return an empty iterator`                                                                     | PASS    |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Properties on cross-origin objects should be reported |own|`                                  | PASS    |
| `[[PreventExtensions]] should throw for cross-origin objects`                                                       | PASS    |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Location`                                           | PASS    |
| `[[GetOwnProperty]] - Properties on cross-origin objects should be reported |own| (exception type)`                 | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin functions get local Function.prototype`                                                               | PASS    |
| `[[DefineOwnProperty]] Should throw for cross-origin objects`                                                       | PASS    |
| `[[SetPrototypeOf]] should throw`                                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Window (exception type)`                            | PASS    |
| `Basic sanity-checking`                                                                                             | PASS    |
| `[[Delete]] Should throw on cross-origin objects`                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin functions get local Function.prototype (exception type)`                                              | PASS    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return the right symbol-named properties for cross-origin objects`                      | PASS    |
| `{} does the right thing on cross-origin objects (exception type)`                                  | PASS    |
| `[[SetPrototypeOf]] should throw (exception type)`                                                                  | FAIL    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return the right symbol-named properties for cross-origin objects (exception type)`     | PASS    |
| `[[OwnPropertyKeys]] should place the symbols after the property names after the subframe indices (exception type)` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.reset.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results |
|                                                                   | OK      |
| `Resetting the canvas state does not reset the origin-clean flag` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight-status.html</a></summary>

|               Subtest                | Results |
|                                      | OK      |
| `Preflight answered with status 402` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 403` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 400` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 401` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 404` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 405` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 503` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 502` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 501` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 505` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 504` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 308` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 204` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 205` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 206` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 200` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 201` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 202` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 203` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 305` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 304` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 307` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 306` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 301` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 300` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 303` | FAIL    |
| `Preflight answered with status 302` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-redirect-preflight.html</a></summary>

|                                     Subtest                                     | Results |
|                                                                                 | OK      |
| `Redirect 302: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection success case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection failure case)` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection success case)`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection failure case)` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection failure case)` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection success case)` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 308: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection success case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection success case)`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 308: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection success case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection success case)` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection failure case)` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection success case)` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 307: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection success case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection success case)`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection failure case)` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection success case)` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection success case)`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection success case)`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to same origin (preflight after redirection failure case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303: same origin to cors (preflight after redirection success case)`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to another cors (preflight after redirection success case)` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-referrer.html</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                          | Results |
|                                                                                          | OK      |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, origin redirect header `                           | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, strict-origin redirect header `                   | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, origin-when-cross-origin init `        | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, strict-origin init `                   | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, origin-when-cross-origin redirect header `        | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, same-origin redirect header `                     | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, no-referrer redirect header `                      | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, origin init `                          | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, strict-origin redirect header `                    | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, origin-when-cross-origin redirect header `         | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, no-referrer-when-downgrade redirect header `       | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, unsafe-url redirect header `                      | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, strict-origin-when-cross-origin init `  | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, no-referrer init `                     | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, strict-origin init `                    | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, same-origin init `                     | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, origin-when-cross-origin init `         | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, unsafe-url redirect header `                       | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, no-referrer init `                      | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, strict-origin-when-cross-origin redirect header `  | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, no-referrer redirect header `                     | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, no-referrer-when-downgrade init `       | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, same-origin init `                      | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, origin init `                           | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, origin redirect header `                          | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty init, same-origin redirect header `                      | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, no-referrer-when-downgrade redirect header `      | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty init, strict-origin-when-cross-origin redirect header ` | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, strict-origin-when-cross-origin init ` | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, unsafe-url init `                      | PASS    |
| `Same origin redirection, empty redirect header, unsafe-url init `                       | PASS    |
| `Cross origin redirection, empty redirect header, no-referrer-when-downgrade init `      | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-reload.html</a></summary>

|                                                                       Subtest                                                                       | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                     | OK      |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache with Etag and stale response`                                                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache with Etag and fresh response`                                                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with date and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache even if a previous response is already stored with Etag and stale response`        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache even if a previous response is already stored with date and stale response`        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache even if a previous response is already stored with date and fresh response`        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache with date and stale response`                                                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with Etag and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache with date and fresh response`                                                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "reload" mode does store the response in the cache even if a previous response is already stored with Etag and fresh response`        | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-origin.html</a></summary>

|                    Subtest                     | Results |
|                                                | OK      |
| `Same origin to other origin redirection 307`  | PASS    |
| `Other origin to other origin redirection 302` | PASS    |
| `Other origin to other origin redirection 307` | PASS    |
| `Same origin to other origin redirection 303`  | PASS    |
| `Other origin to other origin redirection 301` | PASS    |
| `Same origin to other origin redirection 301`  | PASS    |
| `Other origin to other origin redirection 303` | PASS    |
| `Other origin to other origin redirection 308` | PASS    |
| `Other origin to same origin redirection 307`  | FAIL    |
| `Other origin to same origin redirection 308`  | FAIL    |
| `Other origin to same origin redirection 301`  | FAIL    |
| `Other origin to same origin redirection 303`  | FAIL    |
| `Other origin to same origin redirection 302`  | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to same origin redirection 301`   | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to same origin redirection 302`   | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to same origin redirection 303`   | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to same origin redirection 307`   | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to same origin redirection 308`   | FAIL    |
| `Same origin to other origin redirection 308`  | PASS    |
| `Same origin to other origin redirection 302`  | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/windows/nested-browsing-contexts/frameElement.html</a></summary>

|                                                                       Subtest                                                                        | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                      | OK      |
| `The window's frameElement attribute must return null if the container's document does not have the same effective script origin`                    | PASS    |
| `The SecurityError must be thrown if the window accesses to frameElement attribute of a Window which does not have the same effective script origin` | FAIL    |
| `The window's frameElement attribute must return null if it is not a nested browsing context`                                                        | PASS    |
| `The window's frameElement attribute must return its container element if it is a nested browsing context`                                           | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/history/the-location-interface/security_location_0.htm</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                         | Results |
|                                                                                         | OK      |
| `Accessing location object from different origins doesn't raise SECURITY_ERR exception` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.cross.html</a></summary>

|                                          Subtest                                          | Results |
|                                                                                           | OK      |
| `Using an unclean pattern makes the target canvas origin-unclean, not the pattern canvas` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-basic.html</a></summary>

|                               Subtest                                | Results |
|                                                                      | OK      |
| `Cross domain basic usage [no-cors mode]`                            | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [cors mode]`          | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [cors mode]`                        | PASS    |
| `Cross domain basic usage [cors mode]`                               | PASS    |
| `Cross domain basic usage [server forbid CORS]`                      | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [no-cors mode]`                          | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [server forbid CORS]`                    | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [cors mode]`                            | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [server forbid CORS]`               | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [no-cors mode]`       | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [cors mode]`                             | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [server forbid CORS]`                   | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [no-cors mode]`                     | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [no-cors mode]`                         | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [server forbid CORS]` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.canvas.strokeStyle.html</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                         | Results |
|                                                                                         | OK      |
| `Setting strokeStyle to a pattern of an unclean canvas makes the canvas origin-unclean` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-no-preflight.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                 | Results |
|                                                                        | OK      |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Type: text/plain]`                        | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Accept-Language: fr]`                             | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [GET]`                  | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [POST]`                                                  | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Type: multipart/form-data]`               | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Type: Text/Plain;charset=utf-8]`          | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [HEAD]`                                                  | PASS    |
| `Cross domain basic usage [GET]`                                       | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded]` | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Accept: */*]`                                     | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [GET]`                                     | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [GET]`                                | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Language: fr]`                            | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [GET] [Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8]`          | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [GET]`                                    | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-default-conditional.html</a></summary>

|                                                                                      Subtest                                                                                      | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                                                   | OK      |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`                                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`                                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`                                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`                                                    | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Range header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Modified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and fresh response`   | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-None-Match header is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response`                                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and fresh response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header is treated similarly to "no-store" with date and stale response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode with an If-Unmodified-Since header (following a request without additional headers) is treated similarly to "no-store" with Etag and stale response` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-origin.html</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                           | Results |
|                                                             | OK      |
| `Cross domain [HEAD] [origin OK]`                           | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [origin OK]`                   | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [POST] [origin KO]`                           | PASS    |
| `Allowed origin: "" [origin KO]`                            | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [origin KO]` | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different subdomain [origin OK]`              | PASS    |
| `CORS preflight [PUT] [origin KO]`                          | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [HEAD] [origin KO]`                           | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [origin KO]`               | PASS    |
| `Same domain different protocol different port [origin OK]` | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different subdomain [origin KO]`              | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different port [origin KO]`                   | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [origin KO]`                    | PASS    |
| `Cross domain different protocol [origin OK]`               | PASS    |
| `Same domain different port [origin OK]`                    | PASS    |
| `Cross domain [POST] [origin OK]`                           | PASS    |
| `CORS preflight [PUT] [origin OK]`                          | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/XMLHttpRequest/send-non-same-origin.htm</a></summary>

|                                     Subtest                                     | Results |
|                                                                                 | OK      |
| `XMLHttpRequest: send() - non same-origin (folder.txt)`                         | PASS    |
| `XMLHttpRequest: send() - non same-origin (tel:+31600000000)`                   | PASS    |
| `XMLHttpRequest: send() - non same-origin (`            | PASS    |
| `XMLHttpRequest: send() - non same-origin (javascript:alert('FAIL'))`           | PASS    |
| `XMLHttpRequest: send() - non same-origin (http://www1.web-platform.test:8000)` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.drawImage.canvas.html</a></summary>

|                            Subtest                            | Results |
|                                                               | OK      |
| `drawImage of unclean canvas makes the canvas origin-unclean` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/basic/referrer.html</a></summary>

|                                        Subtest                                        | Results |
|                                                                                       | OK      |
| `origin-when-cross-origin policy on a same-origin URL`                                | PASS    |
| `origin-when-cross-origin policy on a same-origin URL after cross-origin redirection` | PASS    |
| `Referrer with credentials should be stripped`                                        | PASS    |
| `Referrer with fragment ID should be stripped`                                        | PASS    |
| `origin-when-cross-origin policy on a cross-origin URL after same-origin redirection` | PASS    |
| `origin-when-cross-origin policy on a cross-origin URL`                               | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.image.fillStyle.html</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                            | Results |
|                                                                                              | OK      |
| `Setting fillStyle to a pattern of a different-origin image makes the canvas origin-unclean` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/windows/targeting-cross-origin-nested-browsing-contexts.html</a></summary>

|               Subtest                | Results |
|                                      | OK      |
| `Targeting nested browsing contexts` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-mode.html</a></summary>

|             Subtest              | Results |
|                                  | OK      |
| `Redirect 303 in "manual" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 in "error" mode `  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 in "manual" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 in "error" mode `  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 in "follow" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 in "manual" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 in "error" mode `  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 in "follow" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 in "follow" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 in "error" mode `  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 in "manual" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 in "error" mode `  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 in "follow" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 in "follow" mode ` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 in "manual" mode ` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.canvas.fillStyle.html</a></summary>

|                                        Subtest                                        | Results |
|                                                                                       | OK      |
| `Setting fillStyle to a pattern of an unclean canvas makes the canvas origin-unclean` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-to-dataurl.html</a></summary>

|                                   Subtest                                   | Results |
|                                                                             | OK      |
| `Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (cors mode)`        | PASS    |
| `Testing data URL loading after cross-origin redirection (no-cors mode)`    | FAIL    |
| `Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (same-origin mode)` | FAIL    |
| `Testing data URL loading after cross-origin redirection (cors mode)`       | PASS    |
| `Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (no-cors mode)`     | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.create.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                | Results |
|                                                                       | OK      |
| `Creating an unclean pattern does not make the canvas origin-unclean` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/basic/mode-same-origin.html</a></summary>

|                                                                     Subtest                                                                     | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                 | OK      |
| `Fetch http://web-platform.test:8000/fetch/api/resources/top.txt with same-origin mode`                                                         | PASS    |
| `Fetch /fetch/api/basic/../resources/ with same-origin mode`      | PASS    |
| `Fetch https://web-platform.test:8443/fetch/api/resources/top.txt with same-origin mode`                                                        | PASS    |
| `Fetch /fetch/api/basic/../resources/ with same-origin mode`     | PASS    |
| `Fetch ../resources/top.txt with same-origin mode`                                                                                              | PASS    |
| `Fetch /fetch/api/basic/../resources/ with same-origin mode`                                           | PASS    |
| `Fetch /fetch/api/basic/../resources/ with same-origin mode` | PASS    |
| `Fetch http://www1.web-platform.test:8000/fetch/api/resources/top.txt with same-origin mode`                                                    | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-no-cache.html</a></summary>

|                                                  Subtest                                                   | Results |
|                                                                                                            | OK      |
| `RequestCache "no-cache" mode revalidates fresh responses found in the cache with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-cache" mode revalidates fresh responses found in the cache with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-cache" mode revalidates stale responses found in the cache with date and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-cache" mode revalidates stale responses found in the cache with Etag and stale response` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.drawImage.image.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                | Results |
|                                                                       | OK      |
| `drawImage of different-origin image makes the canvas origin-unclean` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-redirect.html</a></summary>

|               Subtest                | Results |
|                                      | OK      |
| `Redirect 307: cors to same origin`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to another cors` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to same origin`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 302: same origin to cors`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to same origin`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to another cors` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to same cors`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to same cors`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to same cors`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to same origin`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 308: same origin to cors`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308: cors to another cors` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to same origin`  | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 303: cors to same cors`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307: same origin to cors`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307: cors to same cors`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: same origin to cors`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301: cors to another cors` | FAIL    |
| `Redirect 303: same origin to cors`  | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302: cors to another cors` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-default.html</a></summary>

|                                                                               Subtest                                                                                | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                                      | OK      |
| `Responses with the "Cache-Control: no-store" header are not stored in the cache with Etag and fresh response`                                                       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids going to the network if a fresh response exists with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `Responses with the "Cache-Control: no-store" header are not stored in the cache with date and fresh response`                                                       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network for stale responses with date and stale response`                | PASS    |
| `Responses with the "Cache-Control: no-store" header are not stored in the cache with date and stale response`                                                       | PASS    |
| `Responses with the "Cache-Control: no-store" header are not stored in the cache with Etag and stale response`                                                       | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "default" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network for stale responses with Etag and stale response`                | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-cookies.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                | Results |
|                                                                       | OK      |
| `Include mode: remote cookies are not sent with other remote request` | PASS    |
| `Include mode: 1 cookie`                                              | PASS    |
| `Include mode: remote cookies are not sent with local request`        | PASS    |
| `Omit mode: no cookie sent`                                           | PASS    |
| `Same-origin mode: cookies are discarded in cors request`             | PASS    |
| `Include mode: local cookies are not sent with remote request`        | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight.html</a></summary>

|                        Subtest                        | Results |
|                                                       | OK      |
| `CORS [DELETE], server refuses`                       | PASS    |
| `CORS [PUT], server allows`                           | PASS    |
| `CORS [GET] [x-test-header: refused], server refuses` | PASS    |
| `CORS [PUT] [several headers], server refuses`        | PASS    |
| `CORS [GET] [x-test-header: allowed], server allows`  | PASS    |
| `CORS [PATCH], server refuses`                        | PASS    |
| `CORS [GET] [several headers], server refuses`        | PASS    |
| `CORS [PUT], server refuses`                          | PASS    |
| `CORS [DELETE], server allows`                        | PASS    |
| `CORS [PUT] [several headers], server allows`         | PASS    |
| `CORS [NEW], server allows`                           | PASS    |
| `CORS [PATCH], server allows`                         | PASS    |
| `CORS [GET] [several headers], server allows`         | PASS    |
| `CORS [NEW], server refuses`                          | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight-referrer.html</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                 | Results |
|                                                                        | OK      |
| `Referrer policy: no-referrer and referrer: default`                   | PASS    |
| `Referrer policy: no-referrer and referrer: 'myreferrer'`              | PASS    |
| `Referrer policy: unsafe-url and referrer: 'myreferrer'`               | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: unsafe-url and referrer: default`                    | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: "" and referrer: 'myreferrer'`                       | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: "" and referrer: default`                            | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: origin and referrer: 'myreferrer'`                   | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: origin-when-cross-origin and referrer: default`      | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: origin-when-cross-origin and referrer: 'myreferrer'` | FAIL    |
| `Referrer policy: origin and referrer: default`                        | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight-redirect.html</a></summary>

|                 Subtest                  | Results |
|                                          | OK      |
| `Redirection 307 on preflight failed`    | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 308 on preflight failed`    | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 303 on preflight failed`    | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 301 on preflight failed`    | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 302 on preflight failed`    | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 308 after preflight failed` | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 301 after preflight failed` | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 303 after preflight failed` | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 307 after preflight failed` | FAIL    |
| `Redirection 302 after preflight failed` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-canvas-element/security.pattern.image.strokeStyle.html</a></summary>

|                                            Subtest                                             | Results |
|                                                                                                | OK      |
| `Setting strokeStyle to a pattern of a different-origin image makes the canvas origin-unclean` | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-only-if-cached.html</a></summary>

|                                                                                      Subtest                                                                                      | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                                                   | OK      |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Etag and fresh response`                                            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with date and stale response`                                            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Etag and stale response`                                            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with date and fresh response`                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for stale responses with Etag and stale response`                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and does not go to the network if a cached response is not found with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for fresh responses with date and fresh response`                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with date and stale response`                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with date and fresh response`                                            | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Etag and fresh response`                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for stale responses with date and stale response`                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for fresh responses with Etag and fresh response`                      | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Etag and stale response`                                        | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and does not go to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/XMLHttpRequest/event-upload-progress-crossorigin.htm</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results |
|                                                                   | OK      |
| `XMLHttpRequest: upload progress event for cross-origin requests` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-cache-no-store.html</a></summary>

|                                                                        Subtest                                                                        | Results |
|                                                                                                                                                       | OK      |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with Etag and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with date and fresh response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not store the response in the cache with date and fresh response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with date and stale response` | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not store the response in the cache with date and stale response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not store the response in the cache with Etag and stale response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not store the response in the cache with Etag and fresh response`                                                  | PASS    |
| `RequestCache "no-store" mode does not check the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network regardless with Etag and fresh response` | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/cors/cors-redirect-credentials.html</a></summary>

|                               Subtest                               | Results |
|                                                                     | OK      |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same origin with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to another remote with password`          | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from same origin to remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from same origin to remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to another remote with user and password` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same origin with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same origin with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same origin with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same origin with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same origin with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to another remote with password`          | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same origin with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same origin with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from same origin to remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from same origin to remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to another remote with user and password` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to another remote with user`              | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same origin with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from same origin to remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to another remote with user`              | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to another remote with user`              | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same origin with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same origin with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from same origin to remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to same remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from same origin to remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from same origin to remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same origin with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from same origin to remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from same origin to remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from same origin to remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to another remote with user and password` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same origin with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from same origin to remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to same remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from same origin to remote with user`                 | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from same origin to remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from same origin to remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to another remote with user and password` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to another remote with user`              | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to same remote with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same origin with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to same origin with user and password`    | PASS    |
| `Redirect 301 from remote to another remote with user and password` | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to another remote with user`              | PASS    |
| `Redirect 308 from remote to another remote with password`          | PASS    |
| `Redirect 303 from remote to another remote with password`          | PASS    |
| `Redirect 302 from remote to same remote with password`             | PASS    |
| `Redirect 307 from remote to another remote with password`          | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/browsers/the-window-object/security-window/window-security.html</a></summary>

|                                                    Subtest                                                    | Results |
|                                                                                                               | OK      |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclose is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeunload is accessed from a different origin.`    | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.window is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninput is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.prompt is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onreset is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplay is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getSelection is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onwaiting is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.frameElement is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmessage is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearInterval is accessed from a different origin.`     | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.postMessage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousemove is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.matchMedia is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.focus is accessed from a different origin.`       | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onended is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.self is accessed from a different origin.`        | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpagehide is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseout is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.alert is accessed from a different origin.`             | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onresize is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ononline is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrop is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeBy is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeked is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.closed is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollTo is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scroll is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeking is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstalled is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousewheel is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageYOffset is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.toolbar is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerWidth is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpageshow is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadstart is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onblur is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.location is accessed from a different origin.`    | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onafterprint is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.`              | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onhashchange is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearTimeout is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpause is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onfocus is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.parent is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsuspend is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.history is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadedmetadata is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenY is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onload is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onshow is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `Window Security testing`                                                                                     | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onemptied is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.frames is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollbars is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.locationbar is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screen is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.navigator is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onunload is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.`         | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclick is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setInterval is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragleave is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.close is accessed from a different origin.`       | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragstart is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragend is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerHeight is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.confirm is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeyup is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.statusbar is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeprint is accessed from a different origin.`     | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadeddata is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplaying is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragenter is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeypress is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstorage is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onselect is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousedown is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.external is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.document is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplay is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncancel is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onabort is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncuechange is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollBy is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondurationchange is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when is accessed from a different origin.`              | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpopstate is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.length is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeTo is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setTimeout is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseup is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onratechange is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsubmit is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplaythrough is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.blur is accessed from a different origin.`        | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onoffline is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.localStorage is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.print is accessed from a different origin.`             | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onscroll is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onchange is accessed from a different origin.`          | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ontimeupdate is accessed from a different origin.`      | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.stop is accessed from a different origin.`              | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragover is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.showModalDialog is accessed from a different origin.`   | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseover is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.opener is accessed from a different origin.`      | PASS    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.menubar is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondblclick is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenX is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.status is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.applicationCache is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveBy is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninvalid is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncontextmenu is accessed from a different origin.`     | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onprogress is accessed from a different origin.`        | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.personalbar is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeydown is accessed from a different origin.`         | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.devicePixelRatio is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrag is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onvolumechange is accessed from a different origin.`    | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.sessionStorage is accessed from a different origin.`    | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onerror is accessed from a different origin.`           | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageXOffset is accessed from a different origin.`       | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveTo is accessed from a different origin.`            | FAIL    |
| `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getComputedStyle is accessed from a different origin.`  | FAIL    |

<summary><a href="">/html/dom/documents/dom-tree-accessors/Document.currentScript.html</a></summary>

|           Subtest            | Results |
|                              | TIMEOUT |
| `Script eval`                | PASS    |
| `Script script-async-false`  | PASS    |
| `Script script-defer`        | PASS    |
| `Script xhr-test`            | PASS    |
| `Script parse-inline`        | PASS    |
| `Script script-load-error`   | PASS    |
| `Script script-window-error` | FAIL    |
| `Script dom-inline`          | PASS    |
| `Script timeout`             | PASS    |
| `Script iframe-src`          | PASS    |
| `Script cross-origin`        | PASS    |
| `Script script-svg`          | PASS    |
| `Script dom-ext`             | PASS    |
| `Script script-exec`         | NOTRUN  |
| `Script document-write`      | PASS    |
| `Script script-async`        | PASS    |
| `Script parse-ext`           | PASS    |
| `Script nested`              | PASS    |

<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/document-metadata/the-base-element/base_href_specified.html</a></summary>

|                                            Subtest                                             | Results |
|                                                                                                | OK      |
| `The href attribute of the base element is specified`                                          | PASS    |
| `The src attribute of the img element must relative to the href attribute of the base element` | PASS    |


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Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 12:06:50 UTC