Re: [html-tests] Change selection tests to assert select() does nothing (#4755)

# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 4aa09477a4af6bce6ee3e469ed10b0f7f5d8622d
Using browser at version BuildID 20170123125947; SourceStamp 36486fdc3813ef7943ae5b07b4128866d1938a6c
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary><a href="">/html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/selection.html</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results |
|                                                                                             | OK      |
| `input type password should support the select() method`                                    | PASS    |
| `input type hidden should not support variable-length selections`                           | PASS    |
| `input type search should support all selection attributes and methods`                     | PASS    |
| `input type color should support the select() method`                                       | PASS    |
| `input type button should not support variable-length selections`                           | PASS    |
| `input type text should support the select() method`                                        | PASS    |
| `input type submit should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`   | PASS    |
| `input type radio should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `Input element programmatic selection support 1`                                            | PASS    |
| `input type month should support the select() method`                                       | PASS    |
| `input type password should support all selection attributes and methods`                   | PASS    |
| `input type email should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type tel should support all selection attributes and methods`                        | PASS    |
| `input type date should support the select() method`                                        | PASS    |
| `input type time should not support variable-length selections`                             | PASS    |
| `input type datetime-local should support the select() method`                              | PASS    |
| `input type reset should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`    | PASS    |
| `input type week should not support variable-length selections`                             | PASS    |
| `input type range should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type hidden should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`   | PASS    |
| `input type search should support the select() method`                                      | PASS    |
| `input type number should support the select() method`                                      | PASS    |
| `input type time should support the select() method`                                        | PASS    |
| `input type file should not support variable-length selections`                             | PASS    |
| `input type datetime-local should not support variable-length selections`                   | PASS    |
| `input type color should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type range should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`    | PASS    |
| `input type checkbox should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)` | PASS    |
| `input type email should support the select() method`                                       | PASS    |
| `input type image should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`    | PASS    |
| `input type url should support the select() method`                                         | PASS    |
| `input type number should not support variable-length selections`                           | PASS    |
| `input type submit should not support variable-length selections`                           | PASS    |
| `input type text should support all selection attributes and methods`                       | PASS    |
| `input type date should not support variable-length selections`                             | PASS    |
| `input type month should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type file should support the select() method`                                        | PASS    |
| `input type button should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`   | PASS    |
| `input type image should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type url should support all selection attributes and methods`                        | PASS    |
| `input type radio should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw)`    | PASS    |
| `input type checkbox should not support variable-length selections`                         | PASS    |
| `input type week should support the select() method`                                        | PASS    |
| `Input element programmatic selection support`                                              | PASS    |
| `input type reset should not support variable-length selections`                            | PASS    |
| `input type tel should support the select() method`                                         | PASS    |


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Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2017 18:34:16 UTC