Re: [infra-tests] Truncate data written to logs in C.I. environment (#4697)

@jgraham I've pushed up a commit that implements the solution at a lower level (the "Python file descriptor" level, but not so low as the "process output stream" level). I've defined it in terms of a new command-line option for the stability script--maybe a little over-engineered, but I wanted to make the behavior as discoverable as possible.

Anyway, [the latest build logs]( demonstrate the intended behavior:

>     INFO:check_stability:| `Range 7 [paras[1].firstChild, 2, paras[1].firstChild, 9] followed by Range 2 [paras[0].firstChild, 2, paras[0].firstChild, 8]: first addRange() must result in the selection's last range being the same object we added`                 | PASS    |
>     INFO:check_stability:| `Range 4 [paras[1].firstChild, 0, paras[1].firstChild, 0] followed by Range 21 [foreignDoc.body, 0, foreignDoc.body, 0]: first addRange() must result in the selection's last range being the same object we added`                        | PASS    |
>     INFO:check_stability:| `Range 6 [paras[1].firstChild, 2, paras[1].firs
>     Log reached capacity (3145728 bytes); output disabled.
>     The command "bash $SCRIPT" exited with 0.
>     store build cache
>     change detected (content changed, file is created, or file is deleted):
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/0/1/e/c/5/01ec55882d7fee6cccf9bafb035721d3b0f1c4f5d70ef515794d5153
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/0/4/6/f/2/046f263a04464ad173f2b55b53089d6611b281fd92901c6030b4cd93
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/0/8/d/c/e/08dcef3be0bb9cce46e42c11d622ed3fea0797e37de9ffac3f5d70d7
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/0/e/6/0/8/0e6088bd8e09b5becb00f7b07c4c7e9f5ce58d23a05bb02f89d475b4
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/2/7/6/b/0/276b09a4fa1b1ca2bb4fd4b43f5c3d25e8d0fea3c8af6edde614d8df
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/2/7/e/3/e/27e3e8f32f819b0843f464a41afb5e987e18f8a89ab01ac2ad98f8b0
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/2/d/9/f/0/2d9f0780aedbe51e7cdcb37bf4c03c32f9d05e9445fc2fb4bf91af6c
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/3/8/1/8/e/3818e6cf419a275375f4fd69142c6bcb13c625d3d0a0bd5eecb07057
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/3/a/f/3/a/3af3addf06e983a6c02f46e7bea70c221d3ff95bf1418fa6da354e14
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/4/7/9/9/6/479960059f6a2c1bdbd0c32805cce11c8c453c4dcac2ea743c8462ff
>     /home/travis/.cache/pip/http/5/c/d/e/b/5c
>     ...
>     changes detected, packing new archive
>     uploading archive
>     Done. Your build exited with 0.

What do you think?

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Received on Monday, 6 February 2017 15:34:44 UTC