Re: [fetch-tests] Update fetch tests for more lenient Request constructor (#4341)

# Firefox (nightly channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision 1809d530b2c9924e10334e7de5f8145ddb744fa9
Using browser at version BuildID 20170123125947; SourceStamp 36486fdc3813ef7943ae5b07b4128866d1938a6c
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##


<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-init-001.sub.html</a></summary>

|                                                          Subtest                                                          | Results |
|                                                                                                                           | OK      |
| `Check mode init value of no-cors and associated getter`                                                                  | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of origin-when-cross-origin and associated getter`                                       | PASS    |
| `Check window init value of null and associated getter`                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of HEAD and associated getter`                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Check integrity init value of AZERTYUIOP1234567890 and associated getter`                                                | PASS    |
| `Check redirect init value of follow and associated getter`                                                               | PASS    |
| `Check redirect init value of error and associated getter`                                                                | PASS    |
| `Check mode init value of cors and associated getter`                                                                     | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of /relative/ressource and associated getter`                                                  | PASS    |
| `Check credentials init value of same-origin and associated getter`                                                       | PASS    |
| `Check integrity init value of  and associated getter`                                                                    | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of http://web-platform.test:8000/relative/ressource?query=true#fragment and associated getter` | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of  and associated getter`                                                                     | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of unsafe-url and associated getter`                                                     | PASS    |
| `Check mode init value of navigate and associated getter`                                                                 | FAIL    |
| `Check method init value of DELETE and associated getter`                                                                 | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of GET and associated getter`                                                                    | PASS    |
| `Check redirect init value of manual and associated getter`                                                               | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of head and associated getter`                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of POST and associated getter`                                                                   | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of no-referrer and associated getter`                                                    | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of same-origin and associated getter`                                                    | PASS    |
| `Check credentials init value of omit and associated getter`                                                              | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of no-referrer-when-downgrade and associated getter`                                     | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of strict-origin-when-cross-origin and associated getter`                                | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of strict-origin and associated getter`                                                  | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of http://test.url and associated getter`                                                      | FAIL    |
| `Check credentials init value of include and associated getter`                                                           | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of OPTIONS and associated getter`                                                                | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of http://web-platform.test:8000/ and associated getter`                                       | PASS    |
| `Check referrer init value of about:client and associated getter`                                                         | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of origin and associated getter`                                                         | PASS    |
| `Check referrerPolicy init value of  and associated getter`                                                               | PASS    |
| `Check mode init value of same-origin and associated getter`                                                              | PASS    |
| `Check method init value of PUT and associated getter`                                                                    | PASS    |



<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/policies/referrer-origin-worker.html</a></summary>

|                        Subtest                         | Results |
|                                                        | OK      |
| `Request's referrer is origin`                         | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin referrer is overridden by client origin` | FAIL    |



<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/policies/referrer-origin.html</a></summary>

|                        Subtest                         | Results |
|                                                        | OK      |
| `Request's referrer is origin`                         | PASS    |
| `Cross-origin referrer is overridden by client origin` | FAIL    |



<summary><a href="">/fetch/api/request/request-error.html</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                            | Results |
|                                                                                              | OK      |
| `Bad credentials init parameter value`                                                       | PASS    |
| `Request should get its content-type from the init request`                                  | PASS    |
| `Request should get its content-type from init headers if one is provided`                   | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's cache mode is only-if-cached and mode is not same-origin`                     | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's method is forbidden`                                                          | PASS    |
| `Request should get its content-type from the body if none is provided`                      | PASS    |
| `Bad cache init parameter value`                                                             | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's referrer is invalid`                                                          | PASS    |
| `Bad referrerPolicy init parameter value`                                                    | PASS    |
| `Bad redirect init parameter value`                                                          | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's window is not null`                                                           | FAIL    |
| `RequestInit's mode is no-cors and integrity is not empty`                                   | PASS    |
| `Request with cache mode: only-if-cached and fetch mode: same-origin`                        | PASS    |
| `Request with cache mode: only-if-cached and fetch mode: cors`                               | PASS    |
| `Input URL has credentials`                                                                  | PASS    |
| `Request should not get its content-type from the init request if init headers are provided` | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's method is invalid`                                                            | PASS    |
| `Input URL is not valid`                                                                     | PASS    |
| `Request with cache mode: only-if-cached and fetch mode: no-cors`                            | PASS    |
| `Bad mode init parameter value`                                                              | PASS    |
| `RequestInit's mode is no-cors and method is not simple`                                     | PASS    |


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Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 19:45:25 UTC