Re: [IndexedDB-tests] Ensure Indexed DB tests clean up after themselves (#5644)

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# Chrome (unstable channel) #
Testing web-platform-tests at revision cf0ec46a566c26075f66ff0d0917e501f531cc88
Using browser at version 59.0.3071.15 dev
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable
## All results ##
<summary>305 tests ran</summary>
<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded.html</a></summary>

|                                 Subtest                                  | Results | Messages |
|                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `Test that an abort in the initial upgradeneeded sets version back to 0` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/bindings-inject-key.html</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                            | Results | Messages |
|                                                              | OK      |          |
| `Returning keys to script should bypass prototype setters`   | PASS    |          |
| `Returning values to script should bypass prototype setters` | PASS    |          |
| `Returning values to script should bypass prototype chain`   | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/clone-before-keypath-eval.html</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                   | OK      |          |
| `Key generator and key path validity check operates on a clone`   | PASS    |          |
| `Failing key path validity check operates on a clone`             | PASS    |          |
| `Index key path evaluations operate on a clone`                   | PASS    |          |
| `Store and index key path evaluations operate on the same clone`  | PASS    |          |
| `Cursor update checks and keypath evaluations operate on a clone` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/close-in-upgradeneeded.html</a></summary>

|                                   Subtest                                   | Results | Messages |
|                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `When db.close is called in upgradeneeded, the db is cleaned up on refresh` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/cursor-overloads.htm</a></summary>

|                                                   Subtest                                                   | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `Validate the overloads of IDBObjectStore.openCursor(), IDBIndex.openCursor() and IDBIndex.openKeyCursor()` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/delete-request-queue.html</a></summary>

|             Subtest              | Results | Messages |
|                                  | OK      |          |
| `Deletes are processed in order` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/error-attributes.html</a></summary>

|                                 Subtest                                  | Results | Messages |
|                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBRequest and IDBTransaction error properties should be DOMExceptions` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/event-dispatch-active-flag.html</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                    | OK      |          |
| `Transactions are active during success handlers`  | PASS    |          |
| `Transactions are active during success listeners` | PASS    |          |
| `Transactions are active during error handlers`    | PASS    |          |
| `Transactions are active during error listeners`   | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/fire-error-event-exception.html</a></summary>

|                                        Subtest                                         | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                        | OK      |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on request`                                          | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on request, with preventDefault`                     | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event listener on request`                                         | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in second error event listener on request`                                  | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in first error event listener on request, transaction active in second`     | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on transaction`                                      | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on transaction, with preventDefault`                 | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event listener on transaction`                                     | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in second error event listener on transaction`                              | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in first error event listener on transaction, transaction active in second` | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on connection`                                       | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event handler on connection, with preventDefault`                  | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in error event listener on connection`                                      | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in second error event listener on connection`                               | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in first error event listener on connection, transaction active in second`  | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/fire-success-event-exception.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                  | OK      |          |
| `Exception in success event handler on request`                  | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in success event listener on request`                 | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in second success event listener on request`          | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in first success event listener, tx active in second` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/fire-upgradeneeded-event-exception.html</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                  | OK      |          |
| `Exception in upgradeneeded handler`                             | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in upgradeneeded listener`                            | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in second upgradeneeded listener`                     | PASS    |          |
| `Exception in first upgradeneeded listener, tx active in second` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idb-binary-key-detached.htm</a></summary>

|        Subtest         | Results | Messages |
|                        | OK      |          |
| `Detached ArrayBuffer` | PASS    |          |
| `Detached TypedArray`  | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idb-binary-key-roundtrip.htm</a></summary>

|                                     Subtest                                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Uint8Array`                    | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Uint8ClampedArray`             | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Int8Array`                     | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Uint16Array`                   | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Int16Array`                    | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Uint32Array`                   | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Int32Array`                    | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Float32Array`                  | PASS    |          |
| `Binary keys can be supplied using the view type Float64Array`                  | PASS    |          |
| `ArrayBuffer can be used to supply a binary key`                                | PASS    |          |
| `DataView can be used to supply a binary key`                                   | PASS    |          |
| `DataView with explicit offset can be used to supply a binary key`              | PASS    |          |
| `DataView with explicit offset and length can be used to supply a binary key`   | PASS    |          |
| `Uint8Array with explicit offset can be used to supply a binary key`            | PASS    |          |
| `Uint8Array with explicit offset and length can be used to supply a binary key` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idb_webworkers.htm</a></summary>

|              Subtest               | Results | Messages |
|                                    | OK      |          |
| `IndexedDB inside of a WebWorker ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-advance-continue-async.htm</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor asyncness - advance`                    | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor asyncness - continue`                   | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor asyncness - fresh advance still async`  | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor asyncness - fresh continue still async` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-advance-exception-order.html</a></summary>

|                                        Subtest                                         | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                        | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance exception order: TypeError vs. TransactionInactiveError`            | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. InvalidStateError #1` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. InvalidStateError #2` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-advance-invalid.htm</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - attempt to call advance twice`    | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - pass something other than number` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - pass null/undefined`              | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - missing argument`                 | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - pass negative numbers`            | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - invalid - got value not set on exception`   | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-advance.htm</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                | Results | Messages |
|                                                                       | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - advances`                                      | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - advances backwards`                            | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - skip far forward`                              | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - within range`                                  | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - within single key range`                       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - within single key range, with several results` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-continue-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. DataError`         | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. InvalidStateError` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue exception order: InvalidStateError vs. DataError`                | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-continue.htm</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                 | Results | Messages |
|                                                                        | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - continues`                                     | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - with given key`                                | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - skip far forward`                              | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - within range`                                  | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - within single key range`                       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - within single key range, with several results` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-continuePrimaryKey-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `TransactionInactiveError v.s. InvalidStateError(deleted index)`                     | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidStateError(deleted source) v.s. InvalidAccessError(incorrect source)`        | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidStateError(deleted source) v.s. InvalidAccessError(incorrect direction)`     | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidAccessError(incorrect direction) v.s. InvalidStateError(iteration complete)` | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidAccessError(incorrect direction) v.s. InvalidStateError(iteration ongoing)`  | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidAccessError(incorrect source) v.s. InvalidStateError(iteration ongoing)`     | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidAccessError(incorrect source) v.s. InvalidStateError(iteration complete)`    | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidStateError(iteration ongoing) v.s. DataError(unset key)`                     | PASS    |          |
| `InvalidStateError(iteration complete) v.s. DataError(unset key)`                    | PASS    |          |
| `DataError(unset key)`                                                               | PASS    |          |
| `DataError(unset primary key)`                                                       | PASS    |          |
| `DataError(keys are lower then current one) in 'next' direction`                     | PASS    |          |
| `DataError(keys are larger then current one) in 'prev' direction`                    | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-continuePrimaryKey-exceptions.htm</a></summary>

|                         Subtest                         | Results | Messages |
|                                                         | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor continuePrimaryKey() on object store cursor` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor continuePrimaryKey() on "nextunique" cursor` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor continuePrimaryKey() on "prevunique" cursor` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-continuePrimaryKey.htm</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IndexedDB: IDBCursor method continuePrimaryKey()` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-delete-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                    Subtest                                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. ReadOnlyError` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete exception order: ReadOnlyError vs. InvalidStateError #1`     | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete exception order: ReadOnlyError vs. InvalidStateError #2`     | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction-index-keyrange.htm</a></summary>

|                         Subtest                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index with keyrange - next`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index with keyrange - prev`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index with keyrange - nextunique` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index with keyrange - prevunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction-index.htm</a></summary>

|                  Subtest                   | Results | Messages |
|                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index - next`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index - prev`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index - nextunique` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - index - prevunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction-objectstore-keyrange.htm</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store with keyrange - next`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store with keyrange - prev`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store with keyrange - nextunique` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store with keyrange - prevunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction-objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store - next`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store - prev`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store - nextunique` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor direction - object store - prevunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction.htm</a></summary>

|              Subtest               | Results | Messages |
|                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.direction - undefined`  | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.direction - next`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.direction - prev`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.direction - nextunique` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.direction - prevunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-key.htm</a></summary>

|         Subtest          | Results | Messages |
|                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.key - 1`      | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.key - key`    | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.key - my,key` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-primarykey.htm</a></summary>

|             Subtest             | Results | Messages |
|                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.primaryKey - 1`      | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.primaryKey - key`    | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.primaryKey - my,key` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-reused.htm</a></summary>

|        Subtest        | Results | Messages |
|                       | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor is reused` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-source.htm</a></summary>

|               Subtest               | Results | Messages |
|                                     | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.source - IDBObjectStore` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.source - IDBIndex`       | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor-update-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                    Subtest                                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. ReadOnlyError` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.update exception order: ReadOnlyError vs. InvalidStateError #1`     | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.update exception order: ReadOnlyError vs. InvalidStateError #2`     | PASS    |          |
| `IDBCursor.update exception order: InvalidStateError vs. DataError`            | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index.htm</a></summary>

|                                      Subtest                                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - iterate cursor number of times specified by count ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index2.htm</a></summary>

|                                    Subtest                                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - attempt to pass a count parameter that is not a number` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index3.htm</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                            | Results | Messages |
|                                                              | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - attempt to advance backwards` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index5.htm</a></summary>

|                          Subtest                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - iterate to the next record` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index6.htm</a></summary>

|                     Subtest                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - throw TypeError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index7.htm</a></summary>

|                            Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - throw TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index8.htm</a></summary>

|                         Subtest                         | Results | Messages |
|                                                         | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - throw InvalidStateError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_index9.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - index - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                                          Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                            | OK      |          |
| ` IDBCursor.advance() - object store - iterate cursor number of times specified by count ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_objectstore2.htm</a></summary>

|                        Subtest                         | Results | Messages |
|                                                        | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - object store - throw TypeError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_objectstore3.htm</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                | Results | Messages |
|                                                                       | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - object store - throw TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_objectstore4.htm</a></summary>

|                            Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - object store - throw InvalidStateError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_advance_objectstore5.htm</a></summary>

|                                              Subtest                                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.advance() - object store - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index.htm</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - iterate to the next record` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index2.htm</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - attempt to pass a key parameter that is not a valid key` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index3.htm</a></summary>

|                                                          Subtest                                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                                           | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - attempt to iterate to the previous record when the direction is set for the next record ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index4.htm</a></summary>

|                                                         Subtest                                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - attempt to iterate to the next record when the direction is set for the previous record` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index5.htm</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - iterate using 'prevunique'` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index6.htm</a></summary>

|                          Subtest                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                           | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - iterate using nextunique` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index7.htm</a></summary>

|                             Subtest                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - throw TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_index8.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                            | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                              | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_invalid.htm</a></summary>

|                           Subtest                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - attempt to call continue two times` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - iterate to the next record` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore2.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - attempt to pass a key parameter is not a valid key ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore3.htm</a></summary>

|                                                             Subtest                                                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - attempt to iterate to the previous record when the direction is set for the next record` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore4.htm</a></summary>

|                                                             Subtest                                                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                                                  | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - attempt to iterate to the next record when the direction is set for the previous record ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore5.htm</a></summary>

|                                Subtest                                 | Results | Messages |
|                                                                        | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - throw TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_continue_objectstore6.htm</a></summary>

|                                               Subtest                                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                     | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - object store - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_index.htm</a></summary>

|                               Subtest                                | Results | Messages |
|                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - remove a record from the object store` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_index2.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - attempt to remove a record in a read-only transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_index3.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - attempt to remove a record in an inactive transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_index4.htm</a></summary>

|                                          Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_index5.htm</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - throw InvalidStateError when the cursor is being iterated` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                                   Subtest                                    | Results | Messages |
|                                                                              | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - object store - remove a record from the object store ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore2.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - object store - attempt to remove a record in a read-only transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore3.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - index - attempt to remove a record in an inactive transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore4.htm</a></summary>

|                                              Subtest                                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                   | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - object store - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore5.htm</a></summary>

|                                             Subtest                                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.delete() - object store - throw InvalidStateError when the cursor is being iterated` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_iterating.htm</a></summary>

|                                    Subtest                                    | Results | Messages |
|                                                                               | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - objectstore - delete next element, and iterate to it` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_iterating_index.htm</a></summary>

|                                 Subtest                                 | Results | Messages |
|                                                                         | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - delete next element, and iterate to it` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_iterating_index2.htm</a></summary>

|                               Subtest                                | Results | Messages |
|                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - index - add next element, and iterate to it` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_iterating_objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                                    Subtest                                    | Results | Messages |
|                                                                               | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - objectstore - delete next element, and iterate to it` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_iterating_objectstore2.htm</a></summary>

|                                  Subtest                                   | Results | Messages |
|                                                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.continue() - objectstore - add next element, and iterate to it` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index.htm</a></summary>

|                               Subtest                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                     | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - modify a record in the object store ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index2.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - attempt to modify a record in a read-only transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index3.htm</a></summary>

|                                       Subtest                                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                      | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - attempt to modify a record in an inactive transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index4.htm</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - attempt to modify a record when object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index5.htm</a></summary>

|                       Subtest                       | Results | Messages |
|                                                     | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - throw DataCloneError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index6.htm</a></summary>

|                  Subtest                   | Results | Messages |
|                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - no argument` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index7.htm</a></summary>

|                    Subtest                     | Results | Messages |
|                                                | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - throw DataError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_index8.htm</a></summary>

|                                         Subtest                                          | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                          | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - throw InvalidStateError when the cursor is being iterated` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore.htm</a></summary>

|                                  Subtest                                  | Results | Messages |
|                                                                           | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - objectstore - modify a record in the object store ` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore2.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - attempt to modify a record in a read-only transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore3.htm</a></summary>

|                                           Subtest                                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                             | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - attempt to modify a record in an inactive transaction` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore4.htm</a></summary>

|                              Subtest                               | Results | Messages |
|                                                                    | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - index - modify a record in the object store` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore5.htm</a></summary>

|                                             Subtest                                              | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                  | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - attempt to  modify a record when object store been deleted` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore6.htm</a></summary>

|                          Subtest                           | Results | Messages |
|                                                            | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - throw DataCloneError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore7.htm</a></summary>

|                      Subtest                      | Results | Messages |
|                                                   | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - no argument` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore8.htm</a></summary>

|                        Subtest                        | Results | Messages |
|                                                       | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - throw DataError` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbcursor_update_objectstore9.htm</a></summary>

|                                             Subtest                                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBCursor.update() - object store - throw InvalidStateError when the cursor is being iterated` | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbdatabase-createObjectStore-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                             Subtest                                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBDatabase.createObjectStore exception order: InvalidStateError vs. TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBDatabase.createObjectStore exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. SyntaxError`       | PASS    |          |
| `IDBDatabase.createObjectStore exception order: SyntaxError vs. ConstraintError`                | PASS    |          |
| `IDBDatabase.createObjectStore exception order: ConstraintError vs. InvalidAccessError`         | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="">/IndexedDB/idbdatabase-deleteObjectStore-exception-order.htm</a></summary>

|                                             Subtest                                             | Results | Messages |
|                                                                                                 | OK      |          |
| `IDBDatabase.deleteObjectStore exception order: InvalidStateError vs. TransactionInactiveError` | PASS    |          |
| `IDBDatabase.deleteObjectStore exception order: TransactionInactiveError vs. NotFoundError`     | PASS    |          |

<summary><a href="

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