- From: W3C commit bot <web-platform-tests-notifications@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 13:13:23 GMT
- To: public-web-platform-tests-notifications@w3.org
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[View the complete job log.](https://travis-ci.org/w3c/web-platform-tests/jobs/223943446) # Firefox (nightly channel) # Testing web-platform-tests at revision 2c87c15850f38a2e091d3407ca3e78f8261096bb Using browser at version BuildID 20170420100256; SourceStamp 27311156637f9b5d4504373967e01c4241902ae7 Starting 10 test iterations All results were stable ## All results ## <details> <summary>5 tests ran</summary> <details> <summary><a href="http://w3c-test.org/submissions/5619/html/browsers/the-window-object/historical.window.html">/html/browsers/the-window-object/historical.window.html</a></summary> | Subtest | Results | Messages | |--------------------------------------------------------|---------|----------| | | OK | | | `showModalDialog() has been removed from the platform` | PASS | | </details> <details> <summary><a href="http://w3c-test.org/submissions/5619/html/browsers/the-window-object/security-window/window-security.html">/html/browsers/the-window-object/security-window/window-security.html</a></summary> | Subtest | Results | Messages | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | OK | | | `Window Security testing` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.applicationCache is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.devicePixelRatio is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.document is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.external is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.frameElement is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.history is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerWidth is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.innerHeight is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.locationbar is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.localStorage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.menubar is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.name is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.navigator is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onabort is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onafterprint is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeprint is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onbeforeunload is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onblur is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncancel is accessed from a different origin.` | FAIL | `assert_true: window.oncancel should exist. expected true got false` | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplay is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncanplaythrough is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onchange is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclick is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onclose is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncontextmenu is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oncuechange is accessed from a different origin.` | FAIL | `assert_true: window.oncuechange should exist. expected true got false` | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondblclick is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrag is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragend is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragenter is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragleave is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragover is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondragstart is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondrop is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ondurationchange is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onemptied is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onended is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onerror is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onfocus is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onhashchange is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninput is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.oninvalid is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeydown is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeypress is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onkeyup is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onload is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadeddata is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadedmetadata is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onloadstart is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmessage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousedown is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousemove is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseout is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseover is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmouseup is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onmousewheel is accessed from a different origin.` | FAIL | `assert_true: window.onmousewheel should exist. expected true got false` | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onoffline is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ononline is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpause is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplay is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onplaying is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpagehide is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpageshow is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onpopstate is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onprogress is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onratechange is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onreset is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onresize is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onscroll is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeked is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onseeking is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onselect is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onshow is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstalled is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onstorage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsubmit is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onsuspend is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.ontimeupdate is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onunload is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onvolumechange is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.onwaiting is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageXOffset is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.pageYOffset is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.personalbar is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screen is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollbars is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.statusbar is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.status is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenX is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.screenY is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.sessionStorage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.toolbar is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.alert is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearInterval is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.clearTimeout is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.confirm is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getComputedStyle is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.getSelection is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.matchMedia is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveBy is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.moveTo is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.open is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.print is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.prompt is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeTo is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.resizeBy is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scroll is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollTo is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.scrollBy is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setInterval is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.setTimeout is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception must be thrown when window.stop is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.closed is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.frames is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.length is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.location is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.opener is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.parent is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.self is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.top is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.window is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.blur is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.close is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.focus is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | | `A SecurityError exception should not be thrown when window.postMessage is accessed from a different origin.` | PASS | | </details> <details> <summary><a href="http://w3c-test.org/submissions/5619/html/browsers/the-window-object/window-properties.html">/html/browsers/the-window-object/window-properties.html</a></summary> | Subtest | Results | Messages | |------------------------------------------------------|---------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | | OK | | | `Value Properties of the Global Object` | PASS | | | `Value Property: NaN` | PASS | | | `Value Property: Infinity` | PASS | | | `Value Property: undefined` | PASS | | | `Function Properties of the Global Object` | PASS | | | `Function Property: eval` | PASS | | | `Function Property: parseInt` | PASS | | | `Function Property: parseFloat` | PASS | | | `Function Property: isNaN` | PASS | | | `Function Property: isFinite` | PASS | | | `URI Handling Function Properties` | PASS | | | `URI Handling Function Property: decodeURI` | PASS | | | `URI Handling Function Property: decodeURIComponent` | PASS | | | `URI Handling Function Property: encodeURI` | PASS | | | `URI Handling Function Property: encodeURIComponent` | PASS | | | `Constructor Properties of the Global Object` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Object` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Function` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Array` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: String` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Boolean` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Number` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Date` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: RegExp` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: Error` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: EvalError` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: RangeError` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: ReferenceError` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: SyntaxError` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: TypeError` | PASS | | | `Constructor Property: URIError` | PASS | | | `Other Properties of the Global Object` | PASS | | | `Other Property: Math` | PASS | | | `Other Property: JSON` | PASS | | | `EventTarget interface` | PASS | | | `EventTarget method: addEventListener` | PASS | | | `EventTarget method: removeEventListener` | PASS | | | `EventTarget method: dispatchEvent` | PASS | | | `Window interface` | PASS | | | `Window method: close` | PASS | | | `Window method: stop` | PASS | | | `Window method: focus` | PASS | | | `Window method: blur` | PASS | | | `Window method: open` | PASS | | | `Window method: alert` | PASS | | | `Window method: confirm` | PASS | | | `Window method: prompt` | PASS | | | `Window method: print` | PASS | | | `Window method: postMessage` | PASS | | | `Window method: btoa` | PASS | | | `Window method: atob` | PASS | | | `Window method: setTimeout` | PASS | | | `Window method: clearTimeout` | PASS | | | `Window method: setInterval` | PASS | | | `Window method: clearInterval` | PASS | | | `Window method: getSelection` | PASS | | | `Window method: getComputedStyle` | PASS | | | `Window method: matchMedia` | PASS | | | `Window method: scroll` | PASS | | | `Window method: scrollTo` | PASS | | | `Window method: scrollBy` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: history` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: frameElement` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: navigator` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: applicationCache` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: sessionStorage` | PASS | | | `Window readonly attribute: localStorage` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: name` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: status` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: opener` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onabort` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onafterprint` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onbeforeprint` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onbeforeunload` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onblur` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oncancel` | FAIL | `assert_true: oncancel in window expected true got false` | | `Window attribute: oncanplay` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oncanplaythrough` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onchange` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onclick` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onclose` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oncontextmenu` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oncuechange` | FAIL | `assert_true: oncuechange in window expected true got false` | | `Window attribute: ondblclick` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondrag` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondragend` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondragenter` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondragleave` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondragover` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondragstart` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondrop` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ondurationchange` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onemptied` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onended` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onerror` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onfocus` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onhashchange` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oninput` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: oninvalid` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onkeydown` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onkeypress` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onkeyup` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onload` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onloadeddata` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onloadedmetadata` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onloadstart` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmessage` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmousedown` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmousemove` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmouseout` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmouseover` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmouseup` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onmousewheel` | FAIL | `assert_true: onmousewheel in window expected true got false` | | `Window attribute: onoffline` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ononline` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onpause` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onplay` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onplaying` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onpagehide` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onpageshow` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onpopstate` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onprogress` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onratechange` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onreset` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onresize` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onscroll` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onseeked` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onseeking` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onselect` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onshow` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onstalled` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onstorage` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onsubmit` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onsuspend` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: ontimeupdate` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onunload` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onvolumechange` | PASS | | | `Window attribute: onwaiting` | PASS | | | `Window unforgeable attribute: window` | PASS | | | `Window unforgeable attribute: document` | PASS | | | `Window unforgeable attribute: location` | PASS | | | `Window unforgeable attribute: top` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: self` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: locationbar` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: menubar` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: personalbar` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: scrollbars` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: statusbar` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: toolbar` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: frames` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: parent` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: external` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: length` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: screen` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: scrollX` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: scrollY` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: pageXOffset` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: pageYOffset` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: innerWidth` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: innerHeight` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: screenX` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: screenY` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: outerWidth` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: outerHeight` | PASS | | | `Window replaceable attribute: devicePixelRatio` | PASS | | | `constructor` | PASS | | </details> <details> <summary><a href="http://w3c-test.org/submissions/5619/html/dom/interfaces.html">/html/dom/interfaces.html</a></summary> | Subtest | Results | Messages | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | OK | | | `Test driver` | PASS | | | `NodeList must be primary interface of document.getElementsByName("name")` | PASS | | | `Stringification of document.getElementsByName("name")` | PASS | | | `NodeList interface: document.getElementsByName("name") must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0)` | PASS | | | `NodeList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.getElementsByName("name") with too few arguments must throw TypeError` | PASS | | | `NodeList interface: document.getElementsByName("name") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1)` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute domain` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "domain" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute referrer` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute cookie` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "cookie" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute lastModified` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute readyState` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute title` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute dir` | PASS | | | `Document interface: attribute body` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "body" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute head` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "head" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute images` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "images" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute embeds` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "embeds" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute plugins` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "plugins" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute links` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "links" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute forms` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "forms" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: attribute scripts` | FAIL | `assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "scripts" expected true got false` | | `Document interface: operation getElementsByName(DOMString)` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "getElementsByName" missing` | | `Document interface: attribute currentScript` | PASS | | | `Document interface: operation open(DOMString,DOMString)` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "open" missing` | | `Document interface: operation open(USVString,DOMString,DOMString)` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "open" missing` | | `Document interface: operation close()` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "close" missing` | | `Document interface: operation write(DOMString)` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "write" missing` | | `Document interface: operation writeln(DOMString)` | FAIL | `assert_own_property: interface prototype o View on GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/5619#issuecomment-295733522
Received on Thursday, 20 April 2017 13:13:36 UTC