Re: [html-tests][workers-tests] Add tests for the event handler IDL attribute compilation realm (#4089)

# Firefox #
Testing revision 6b1b9e56daf78c4f84604358e8dcdccc72635779
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/html/webappapis/timers/compile-errors.html]( ###
|                                             Subtest                                             | Results |
|                                                                                                 | OK      |
| setTimeout compilation errors in an active document should fire an error event                  | PASS    |
| setTimeout compilation errors in navigated-away-from documents should not fire any error events | PASS    |

### [/html/webappapis/scripting/events/event-handler-idl-attribute-realm.html]( ###
|                                                     Subtest                                                      | Results |
|                                                                                                                  | OK      |
| Event handler IDL attribute compilation errors in navigated-away-from documents should not fire any error events | PASS    |
| Event handler IDL attribute compilation errors in an active document should fire an error event                  | PASS    |
| Event handler IDL attributes must return a function from the element's document's realm                          | PASS    |

### [/html/webappapis/animation-frames/callback-exception.html]( ###
|                                            Subtest                                             | Results |
|                                                                                                | OK      |
| requestAnimationFrame errors in navigated-away-from documents should not fire any error events | PASS    |
| requestAnimationFrame errors in an active document should fire an error event                  | PASS    |

### [/workers/Worker_ErrorEvent_after_navigation.htm]( ###
|                                             Subtest                                              | Results |
|                                                                                                  | OK      |
| Worker error reporting must not work at all if the creator document has been navigated away from | PASS    |
| Worker error reporting must work as normal, when no navigation is involved                       | PASS    |

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Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 22:59:53 UTC