Re: [encrypted-media-tests][url-tests] Run stability checker on test files if .js[on] changes (#4100)

# Firefox #
Testing revision 317801beb841d3d2408ccd68cbea74fbcf6cc2bc
changed support file is several dirs deep: document-write-alert-fail.js

basedir: content-security-policy/blink-contrib

changed support file is several dirs deep: playback-persistent-license-events.js

basedir: encrypted-media

Parent of this changed support file is a top-level subdir: urltestdata.json

basedir: url

Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### [/content-security-policy/blink-contrib/default-src-inline-blocked.sub.html]( ###
|              Subtest              | Results |
|                                   | OK      |
| ```Violation report status OK.``` | PASS    |

### [/url/url-constructor.html]( ###
|                                          Subtest                                          | Results |
|                                                                                           | OK      |
| ```Parsing: <http://[2001::1]> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://a:b@c:29/d> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:///foo/bar.txt> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?> against <>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?i> against <sc:/pa/pa>```                                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <//> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http::@/> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?a=b&c=d> against <>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <sc:> against <>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https:/> against <>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <a:> against <>```                         | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </\server/file> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http:[61:27]/:foo> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http::@c:29> against <>```                         | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <ftp:/> against <about:blank>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#i> against <sc://ho/pa>```                                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[:]> against <>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <你好你> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                      | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: < hello> against <>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://2001::1> against <>```                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/:@/> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <///> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <data:text/html,test#test> against <>```            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:00000000000000/c> against <>```           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <??a=b&c=d> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?i> against <sc://ho/pa>```                                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo/path;a??e#f#g> against <>```            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://www/foo%2Ehtml> against <about:blank>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <about:/../> against <about:blank>```                                         | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <   > against <>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <..> against <>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://::@c@d:2> against <>```                     | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http:a:b@/> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </some/path> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#i> against <sc:sd/sd>```                                                    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <h t
p://h o
t:9 0
0/p a
h?q u
ry#f r
g> against <about:blank>``` | PASS    |
| ```URL.searchParams updating, clearing```                                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <javascript:/> against <>```            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https://@@@example> against <http://doesnotmatter/>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:fifty-two/c> against <>```                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo://///////> against <>```                       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss://foo:815/> against <about:blank>```                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <data:/../> against <about:blank>```                                          | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <javascript:/> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo://///////> against <>```               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <file://test> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <.> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:#> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:> against <>```                               | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </a%2fc> against <>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:a> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:23> against <>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?i> against <sc:sd>```                                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:999999/c> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </some/path> against <>```                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[]/> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss://foo:443/> against <about:blank>```                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:> against <>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/a:b@/> against <about:blank>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:test> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:\> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                          | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <sc://ñ.test/> against <about:blank>```                                       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <../i> against <sc:sd>```                                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://ExAmPlE.CoM> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ftp://foo:21/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:/> against <about:blank>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                           | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://hello%00> against <>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:
/c> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../i> against <sc:sd/sd>```                                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:00000000000000000000080/c> against <>```  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </a/%2f/c> against <>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <test.txt> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:a> against <>```                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file://localhost/test> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo:/> against <>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <‥/foo> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://Goo%20 goo%7C|.com> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo:81/> against <about:blank>```                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss:/> against <about:blank>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://@/> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#\> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                  | PASS    |
| ```URL.searchParams setter, invalid values```                                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../i> against <sc://ho/pa>```                                                | FAIL    |
| ```URL.searchParams and setters, update propagation```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#> against <test:test?test>```                                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <\> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../aaa/test.txt> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:..> against <>```                            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <data:/> against <>```                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:0/c> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:\\\> against <>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <data:test# »> against <about:blank>```                                       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file://localhost/> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                        | PASS    |
| ```URL.searchParams getter```                                                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: < bar> against <about:blank>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </i> against <sc:sd/sd>```                                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://2001::1]> against <>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo:////://///> against <>```                      | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </i> against <sc:sd>```                                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: < ‘%91> against <about:blank>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/@/> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#x> against <>```                                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <#> against <>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <mailto:/../> against <about:blank>```                                        | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <//C|/foo/bar> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                             | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <madeupscheme:/> against <about:blank>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01%2e> against <>```     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <中/test.txt> against <>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </a/b/c> against <>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../i> against <sc:/pa/pa>```                                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </i> against <sc:/pa/pa>```                                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <file:///home/me> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[]> against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:...> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss://foo:81/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://你好你> against <>```                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <tel:1234567890> against <>```                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:\\a\b:c\\> against <>```             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https://foo:443/> against <about:blank>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:/> against <>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <madeupscheme:/> against <>```          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws://foo:815/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss:/> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https:/> against <about:blank>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </test.txt> against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../i> against <sc:///pa/pa>```                                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws:/> against <about:blank>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <//foo/bar> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <i> against <sc://ho/pa>```                                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo://> against <>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <file://localhost> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:21/ b ? d # e > against <>```             | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <  File:c|////foo\bar.html> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http:\\\foo> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://GOO​⁠> against <>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#;?> against <>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws://foo:443/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <foo:/> against <>```                               | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://user:pass@foo:21/bar;par?b#c> against <>``` | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https:@/> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo:💩> against <>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://example> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f: /c> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://user:pass@/> against <about:blank>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <mailto:/> against <>```                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#x> against <about:blank>```                                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://0Xc0.0250.01> against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <\\server\file> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <https://localhost:3000/jqueryui@1.2.3> against <about:blank>```              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://%25> against <>```                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <gopher://foo:443/> against <about:blank>```                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <//server/file> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[]> against <>```                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo/abcd?efgh?ijkl> against <>```           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <javascript:/../> against <about:blank>```                                    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <?i> against <sc:///pa/pa>```                                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </i> against <sc://ho/pa>```                                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://192.0x00A80001> against <about:blank>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:> against <>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <[61:24:74]:98> against <>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:/c> against <>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://`{}:`{}@h/`{}?`{}> against <http://doesnotmatter/>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <  > against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ftp:/> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <data:/> against <about:blank>```                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Loading data…```                                                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <©zbar> against <about:blank>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws://foo:81/> against <about:blank>```                                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <   
> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo/abcd#foo?bar> against <>```             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <httpa://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                         | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <‮/foo/‭/bar> against <about:blank>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://user@/> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </i> against <sc:///pa/pa>```                                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <ftps:/> against <about:blank>```                                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://2001::1]:80> against <>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <C|/foo/bar> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://GOO> against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </:23> against <>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http:/> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <\@> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://example .
org> against <>```                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#/> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <gopher:/> against <>```                | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <::> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                         | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <///test> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <\\foo\\bar> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <:/> against <>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ws:/> against <>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <i> against <sc:///pa/pa>```                                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                            | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <c:/foo> against <>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <file:c:\foo\bar.html> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                     | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: < »> against <about:blank>```               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#i> against <sc:sd>```                                                       | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <ftps:/> against <>```                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <gopher:/> against <about:blank>```                               | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://%3g%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30%2E.01> against <>```     | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[1::2]:3:4> against <>```                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <ftp://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo:-80/> against <about:blank>```                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://www/foo/%2E/html> against <about:blank>```                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://%30%78%63%30%2e%30%32%35%30.01> against <>```        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <#i> against <sc:///pa/pa>```                                                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://﷐> against <>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <mailto:/> against <about:blank>```                               | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#> against <test:test>```                                                    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f:b/c> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <./test.txt> against <>```                         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </C|\foo\bar> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                              | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <test> against <file:///tmp/mock/path>```                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <i> against <sc:/pa/pa>```                                                    | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                                  | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#i> against <sc:/pa/pa>```                                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <#x> against <data:,>```                                                      | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```         | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <。> against <>```                       | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://[2001::1]:80> against <>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <::23> against <>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <?i> against <sc:sd/sd>```                                                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <//> against <>```                 | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <https://@test@test@example:800/> against <http://doesnotmatter/>```          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <i> against <sc:sd>```                                                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <i> against <sc:sd/sd>```                                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://&a:foo(b]c@d:2/> against <>```              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                    | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../test.txt> against <>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <../../test.txt> against <>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                                | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <wss://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                      | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <>```                 | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: </a/ /c> against <>```                              | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: </> against <>```                                   | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <gopher://foo:70/> against <about:blank>```                                   | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http://a:b@/> against <about:blank>```                        | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <sc:\../> against <about:blank>```                                            | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <#β> against <>```                                  | FAIL    |
| ```Parsing: <http:@/> against <about:blank>```                             | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://foo:80/> against <about:blank>```                                     | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <http://f: 21 / b ? d # e > against <>```           | PASS    |
| ```Parsing: <> against <about:blank>```                          | PASS    |

### [/encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-persistent-license-events.html]( ###
|                                Subtest                                 | Results |
|                                                                        | OK      |
| ```org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4, playback, check events``` | FAIL    |

### [/encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-persistent-license-events.html]( ###
|                          Subtest                           | Results |
|                                                            | TIMEOUT |
| ```drm, persistent-license, mp4, playback, check events``` | TIMEOUT |

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Received on Saturday, 29 October 2016 17:45:44 UTC