Re: [html-tests][workers-tests] Replaced some simple assert_object_equals cases. (#2092)

# Chrome #
Testing revision 00dd94daf8f52a3d777020c739398f26af80eb35
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results ##

### /workers/interfaces/DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope/postMessage/structured-clone-message.html ###
|           Subtest           | Results |
|                             | OK      |
| structured clone of message | PASS    |
| false                       | PASS    |
| undefined                   | PASS    |
| self                        | PASS    |
| object                      | PASS    |
| NaN                         | PASS    |
| 1                           | PASS    |
| error                       | PASS    |
| regexp                      | PASS    |
| date                        | PASS    |
| Infinity                    | PASS    |
| array                       | FAIL    |
| null                        | PASS    |
| true                        | PASS    |
| string                      | PASS    |
### /ext-xhtml-pubid/the-xhtml-syntax/parsing-xhtml-documents/xhtml-pubid-1.html ###
|                            Subtest                            | Results |
|                                                               | OK      |
| Sqrt entity is U+221a with legacy DTD                         | PASS    |
| lang entity is U+27E8 with XHTML PUBID Extension spec         | FAIL    |
| nbsp should not be recognised without known PUBLIC identifier | PASS    |
| lang entity is U+27E8 not U+2329 with legacy DTD              | PASS    |
| Sqrt entity is U+221a with XHTML PUBID Extension spec         | FAIL    |

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Received on Thursday, 27 October 2016 11:31:50 UTC