Re: [resource-timing-tests] Initial test for resource timing (#402)

Updated as pull request #4266 :
- test_resource_cached.html, updated as resource_cached.htm, to use python instead of php;
- test_resource_iframe_self_navigation.html, reported inconsistent results but failed to find relevant detail in the spec. 
- test_resource_ignore_data_url.html is covered by resource-timing.html.
- test_resource_ignore_failures.html, divided as resource_ignore_failures_level1 and resource_failures.
- test_resource_script_types.html, ignored as edge cases.
- test_resource_reparenting.html, couldn't find relevant detail in the spec. 
- test_resource_redirects.html is covered by resource-timing.html.
- test_resource_connection_reuse.html,  updated as resource_connection_reuse.html, to use python instead of php;
- test_resource_frame_initiator_type.html is covered by resource-timing.html.
- test_resource_dynamic_insertion.html, updated as resource_dynamic_insertion.html.

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Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 13:43:59 UTC