Re: [html-tests] Test for specific cross-origin object exceptions (#3699)

# Chrome

Testing revision 54f86c87277dc3ec10680b89f1a67bd445d2c79e
Starting 10 test iterations
All results were stable

## All results

### /html/browsers/origin/cross-origin-objects/cross-origin-objects-exceptions.html

| Subtest | Results |
| --- | --- |
|  | OK |
| [[OwnPropertyKeys]] should return all properties from cross-origin objects | FAIL |
| Basic sanity-checking | FAIL |
| Only whitelisted properties are accessible cross-origin | FAIL |
| [[Enumerate]] should return an empty iterator | PASS |
| [[Delete]] Should throw on cross-origin objects | PASS |
| [[GetOwnProperty]] - Properties on cross-origin objects should be reported | own |
| Same-origin obsevers get different accessors for cross-origin Window | FAIL |
| Cross-origin Window accessors get local Function.prototype | FAIL |
| [[PreventExtensions]] should throw for cross-origin objects | FAIL |
| A and B jointly observe the same identity for cross-origin Window and Location | PASS |
| Same-origin observers get different accessors for cross-origin Location | FAIL |
| [[GetOwnProperty]] - Property descriptors for cross-origin properties should be set up correctly | FAIL |
| Same-origin observers get different functions for cross-origin objects | FAIL |
| [[GetPrototypeOf]] should return null | PASS |
| Cross-origin functions get local Function.prototype | PASS |
| [[DefineOwnProperty]] Should throw for cross-origin objects | PASS |
| [[IsExtensible]] should return true for cross-origin objects | PASS |
| [[SetPrototypeOf]] should throw | FAIL |

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Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 12:47:26 UTC